#991: “MiST: NoMarriage.com [NSFW]”

This is what Ginga Employees do on their time off during site renovations

[14:49] *** Mon Jun 26 2006 - LOGGING START ***
[14:49] *** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
[14:49] *** Topic is - So where Forrester was trying to Drive them mad, Tomoe is trying to get them to kill each other? -
[14:49] *** Set by on Mon Jun 26 14:49 2006

[14:49] <C'est_la_V> Ginga Terebi is proud to announce its all new Channel 13 for MiSTs!!
[14:50] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> We;ve collected the best site mockings of the past four years and gathered them together for easy access on the site, in our new MiST section
[14:50] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> You can find them here, along with a whole new MiST of "nomarriage.com"!
[14:51] <C'est_la_V> Although that experiment kind of failed... <_<
[14:51] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> Failed?
[14:51] * C'est_la_V hangs her head
[14:51] <C'est_la_V> You'll see
[14:51] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> Was Reiko-san involved! Was she, was she?!
[14:52] <C'est_la_V> No
[14:52] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> Damn!
[14:52] <[gTV]Aya_Reiko> Ara, you should be nicer to your sempai :<
[14:52] *** [gTV]Karasuma_Akane [redcrow01@upperdeck.ginga.tv] has quit IRC (OH GOD WHY IS SHE MY SEMPAI NOW)
[14:52] <C'est_la_V> They're such good friends :D
[14:52] *** Disconnected
[14:52] *** Mon Jun 26 2006 - LOGGING END ***