#850: “Yawn”

[10:27] *** Wed Jul 27 2005 - LOGGING START ***
[10:27] *** Now talking in #suburbansenshi

[10:28] *** // J_Daito // [Jed@dialup666.darkkingdom.co.jp] has joined #suburbansenshi
[10:28] <@spiritflame> Irasshai // J_Daito //
[10:28] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yo jed
[10:29] * // J_Daito // is talking at you from the law office
[10:29] * // J_Daito // is dead tired
[10:29] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> what;s up dude
[10:30] <// J_Daito //> Not me that's for damn sure
[10:30] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> how come
[10:30] * // J_Daito // started the morning off wrong
[10:30] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> oh yeah?
[10:31] <// J_Daito //> Yeah
[10:31] <// J_Daito //> I figured I'd suck the energy out of someone for quick pick me up like I always do
[10:31] <// J_Daito //> this monring I picked aino
[10:32] <// J_Daito //> I mean she's usually so genki genki it's sick
[10:32] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> hahah dumbass she's as inert as a brick in the AM
[10:32] <// J_Daito //> Gah I know
[10:32] <// J_Daito //> correction: I know NOW
[10:33] <// J_Daito //> it was live a reverse drain, she had so little energy I think she sucked some out of ME
[10:33] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> hahahahaha moron
[10:33] <// J_Daito //> it's not funny woman
[10:34] * // J_Daito // has bought reeses' pieces to stay awake
[10:34] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> LOL share some
[10:35] <// J_Daito //> I am AT the law office
[10:36] *** C'est_la_V [GldnGoddess@ip6942.ai.co.jp] has joined #suburbansenshi
[10:36] <@spiritflame> Irasshai C'est_la_V
[10:37] <C'est_la_V> oyaho
[10:37] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Oyaho?
[10:37] <C'est_la_V> I'm to tird to type
[10:38] <// J_Daito //> By Metallia, she'll be sounding like Spore soon
[10:38] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> lol
[10:38] <C'est_la_V> shut u jeite
[10:38] <// J_Daito //> Shut my jeite?
[10:39] <C'est_la_V> snot funy
[10:39] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Neko why the hell are you online if you're not awake
[10:39] <C'est_la_V> i coulnt spep an woek up eary
[10:40] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> OLATHE, Kan. - A high school student convicted of battery for vomiting on his Spanish teacher has been ordered to spend the next four months cleaning up after people who throw up in police cars.
[10:40] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> that's f[BLEEP]kinf hilarious
[10:40] <C'est_la_V> hghghghgh
[10:43] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Go back to bed Neko
[10:43] <C'est_la_V> a lonley bd is borng
[10:43] <// J_Daito //> I am Jedite's utter lack of compassion
[10:43] *** C'est_la_V [GldnGoddess@ip6942.ai.co.jp] has quit IRC (jrk)
[10:45] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> lol it may be lonely but at least it doesn't have ropes and manacles ans s[BLEEP]t attached to it
[10:46] <// J_Daito //> ....
[10:46] <// J_Daito //> Is there something I need to know, Ten'ou
[10:52] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> man
[10:52] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> most people get pissed when they find out they're in an H-Doujin
[10:53] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Michi gets... ideas
[10:53] <// J_Daito //> I don't know whether to be stimulated or terrified by that, Ten'ou
[10:55] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> ph33r
[10:55] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> simply ph33r
[10:55] * // J_Daito // nods
[10:58] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> NASA discovered that an object believed to be a 1½-inch piece of thermal tile appeared to break off from a vulnerable spot near the nose landing-gear doors on the underside of Discovery during liftoff. Also, a large object — perhaps a piece of foam insulation — seemed to fly off from the big external fuel tank but did not hit the shuttle.
[10:58] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> You know
[10:58] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Cutting edge space agency with billions of dollars in funds and they're using more outdated s[BLEEP]t thna YOU Jed
[10:59] <// J_Daito //> bah all they have to do is tell the pentagon they want to conquer mars with space warplanes, you'll see a new spaceplane design in no time
[13:27] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I tried to buy a hammer fromt he pentagon direct once
[13:28] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> They wanted 40 USD
[13:28] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Salt shakers were about 20 USD
[13:29] <// J_Daito //> They funnel the excess funds to their secret bases where the aliens are kept
[13:29] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> they need to buy their s[BLEEP]t from wal-mart
[13:29] <// J_Daito //> wal-mart makes most of their stuff in china now
[13:30] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> So?
[13:30] * // J_Daito // was Dakr Kingdom Asian commander
[13:30] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> So?
[13:30] * // J_Daito // understands the geopolitics of the area
[13:31] <// J_Daito //> China took the Yuan off the American Dollar and they are ramping up their own economy
[13:31] <// J_Daito //> The US has been complaining about technology exports to China
[13:32] * // J_Daito // smells a US - Sino Cold War in the offing several years down the road
[13:32] <// J_Daito //> Hell, they even started a strategic oil reserve
[13:33] <// J_Daito //> Which is already messing with the price of oil
[13:33] * --=[ SpeedRcrX ]=-- yawns
[13:33] <// J_Daito //> Heh, you wait, it's going to happen and then I will laugh
[13:34] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Dude what do I care, as long as we have the mecha it's all good
[13:34] <// J_Daito //> mecha?
[13:34] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Dude doy uo think making Asimo the robot dance was done so we could see a f[BLEEP]king robot DANCE?
[13:35] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> They're gonna train those b[BLEEP]ches to run and carry laser weapons and then be 40 feet high
[13:35] <// J_Daito //> ......
[13:35] <// J_Daito //> Honda's Asimo army...
[13:36] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Nippon Cha-Cha-Cha Motherf[BLEEP]kers
[13:36] <// J_Daito //> hah
[13:36] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> And the streets will run red with the blood of the infidels when the AIBOs tear them to shreds on secret command
[13:37] <// J_Daito //> you sound more like tomoe
[13:37] <// J_Daito //> ^souichi
[13:37] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> dude I too have mad plots
[13:37] <// J_Daito //> .....
[13:38] <// J_Daito //> You ever thought of joining the Dark Side?
[13:38] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Does it ential gettign crispyfried in a volcano and wearing a badass armoured suit that makes me sound like James Earl Jones?
[13:39] <// J_Daito //> We have no budget, the best we can do is stick you in a locked car in the hot sun for several days and then ensconcing you in a tinfoil suit with a cheap voice changer that makes you sound like TV's Craig Ferguson.
[13:39] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> pass
[13:40] <// J_Daito //> damn
[18:15] *** Disconnected
[18:15] *** Wed Jul 27 2005 - LOGGING END ***