#767: “Editorial - Quick Rant ”

This is written as a general statement of my intentions regarding Suburban Senshi and my philosophy of running its associated chatbox. Consider it a mid-level rant if you wish. Feel free to ignore it, but these are my thoughts, as formulated due to some complaints I hear from time to time. It also has some information about some future ideas regarding the future of Suburban Senshi.

Suburban Senshi is my house. Bluntly, I am beholden to no one. I do this site, the fanfictions, the art and the live chats for me first, and the guests (even though I cherish them all) second. The chatbox, to me, is an interesting experiment: a work of fiction generated in real time by me. I literally am writing the story of Sub. Senshi as I play. (It's not canon, so there's no need to pay attention to it, but I use that area to sharpen up the characters and generate new ideas.) In the chatbox, I even allow others from other continuities to play in my universe (or their own) with no restriction other than some basic rules of civility (i.e. no raping, keeping it PG-13, etc). This means, the Sub. Senshi plotline there will continue, not matter what some visitors might think of it. And so too will the IRC chats / fanfics.

That means Artemis and Luna have a comedically wrecked marriage, Haruka (currently) is annoyed with the concept of it, and Xadium and Minako are a couple. Yeah, it's self-insertion, and yeah, some people will be annoyed, or roll their eyes at it. But you know what? As I've said before, I'm doing this site for *my* amusement, and everyone else is along for the ride. I *do* know the difference between fantasy and reality, and I know it's annoying to a degree, so I keep it light in the mainline fics. If you MUST know, the pairing (as so much else is here at Sub. Senshi, by design) is a parody of the infamous "Ami's Husband" website, even though I treat it with reverence, being the Venus fan I am. At least I had the courtesy to not "Mary Sue". (It's not Xadium, it's Asai-kun... yeah) If you don't like it, tough. I make sure "Xadium" gets beat up or marginalized enough so he doesn't steal the show from the Senshi, unlike what many other authors tend to do, i.e. putting *themselves* center stage all the time. If you don't like it, I understand. But don't expect me to rewrite my canon for your convenience or outraged sensibility.

Similarly, if Haruka and Michiru get married, or other couples form, like Hotaru and Artemis, I'm not going to bend to complaint. You're free to read what you like, and ignore what you don't. Again, this is all in *fun*. There are many other writers who want to play in the Sub. Senshi universe (and with the upcoming writer's guide coming out, that number may grow) and so these kinds of situations may come up again, and my response will be the same. Don't take it so seriously.

Anime fanfiction is like Shakespeare-- maybe not in quality, but in notion. Shakespeare took existing stories and rejigged them all the time to make new comedies, romances, and tragedies. So too do fanfic writers, whether they realize it or not. Sub. Senshi (The Senshi + rei.bot, Xadium and Sakura) are just a new twist on the mythos. Heck, in the movie (which will go up later this week along with some nifty extras) I made it clear this continuity now stood on its own, as a branch from the main tree. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. You don't have to read it. If you want things to go another way, put fingers to keyboard and make your own fic. It's that simple. If you don't like the chatbox, don't visit. It's not required. It's just an extra bit of fun for you to enjoy if you so please. But don't come into it and try ruining the fun for others because you can't handle a particular *plot point*.

As I've said before, if this site ever stops being fun for me to run, I'll pack up shop. No whining, or bitching, or complaining. Have no fear of that, however-- I have plans for the future. Updates have been sparse because I'm going through the last 2 years of logs compiling info for the Suburban Senshi Daizenshuu which will be a comprehensive universe / writer's guide. I also intend to expand the fanfic area to allow for guest submissions in a controlled format (yes, we have Sub. Senshi spinoff fics now, and those are-- and will always be-- welcome), but I want to also have a more unified, completely "canon" universe extension as well. When it happens, my sole intervention in those fics would be to provide canon pointers, possibly write Chibiusa's dialogue (siz sew dam hurd 2 writ!!!1) and host the work.

End Transmission.