(A long red / gold haired lady (GALAXIA in civilian form) is on a desolate planet depositing star seeds)
(A teleport portal opens and JEDITE emerges)
JED: Hey Baby.
GAL: ?
JED: So you're the famous Sailor Galaxia who laid the smackdown on some associates of mine a few years back
GAL: That was a lifetime ago... another life.
(The woman smiles peacefully)
GAL: Thanks to the love of Sailor Moon, the hatred and anger within me was released, and I reverted to my previous, peaceful self.
JED: Gah, Moon does that crap to almost EVERYBODY, I'm glad I missed the "cleansing" of her "love".
GAL: Please excuse me, I must complete my task, to re-seed the worlds I destroyed in my quest to bring order to the galaxy.
JED: Order through death, huh? You're my kinda chick.
GAL: But I am no longer that way.
JED: Lemme see this thing here (snatches away a starseed).
JED: Shiny...
GAL: Please return it! It's a precious Sailor Crystal!
JED: Ooh, so Uranus and the others have one of these? (Drops it on the ground and crushes it under his heel. It is undamaged)
JED: Pretty tough. (Tosses it in the air and Swallows it, to Galaxia's horror)
JED: Hmm, I don't feel any different....
GAL: You can't gain Sailor Senshi power by swallowing a Sailor Crystal!
JED: Damn I think I have indigestion. (Walks over to Galaxia and slaps her on the rear) Hey don't worry, you'll get it back in a few hours
GAL: ...
JED: Wanna go out on the town? I know this sweet little bar in Roppongi... (cops a feel)
GAL: Get your HANDS off ME! (angry)
JED: Ooh, Fiesty.
GAL: You IMPUDENT--- (eyes flash)
JED: Grrr... yeah baby, yeah! Come to the Jedite...
GAL: GALAXIA POWER, MAKE UP! (Transforms into Galaxia, is wielding the big ass sword)
JED: Hoho, thanks for the peepshow, I'm sure Uranus will pay good yen for these beauty shots! (puts away digital camera)
(Fires her bolts of light. Jedite dodges by teleport)
JED: HAHAHA you missed stupid tin-plated wench-- AGH! (the bolts swing around and hit him in the back. A starseed pops out, it is already dull black, with a red
glowing core)
GAL: I've never seen one like this before...
(Jedite's body collapses on the ground. Galaxia grabs the starseed in her fist. Her fist then rises up and smacks her in the head)
GAL: What the?!
JED'S STARSEED: (tinny voice) hohoho! Stupid fool! I am the MOST EVIL STARSEED IN THE UNIVERSE!!
(Galaxia's fist continues to hit her head-- finally she releases the starseed, and it zips all around, smacking her everywhere like a bullet with extreme force
JED'S STARSEED: (tinny voice) Starseeds are indestructible... you're not! (continues to pummel her, puts out one eye, goes down the front of her fuku and explodes
out the front to Galaxia's chagrin)
GAL: FOOL! I can melt you down in the Galaxy Cauldron!
JED'S STARSEED: (tinny voice) Only if you can catch me! (it flies around her some more, amking her dizzy. TYhen when she falls over, it does a back and forth jig
over her nose-- just before it goes up it and back out again
GAL: AGH! WHY YOU-- (muffled as the mucus covered starseed flies up her mouth. Aghast, Galaxia gets up and vomits it out)
JED'S STARSEED: (tinny voice) Wow, I'm so small and fast and HARD! I'm WAY more powerful now! Thanks, Gally-babe!
GAL: BLAST YOU!!! (Zaps the Starseed and puts it back in Jed's body)
JED: Hahaha! The mighty Galaxia, brought low by the mightry JEDITE! MUAHAHAHAHAH--
(Galaxia floors Jedite with one stiff punch to the face)