*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi*** Topic is '-= Thar be Nakos here =-'
<.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> sew lik watz todies antre
<FireFly_9> Today we have a submission from Moonlit Mage:
<// J_Daito //> ...It's like the Apocamon
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Whao, either Chibi-Chibi's got real Chibi or Luna-tachi have swallowed some serious Growth hormones
<FireFly_9> What does that have to do with anything?
<// J_Daito //> I'm confused by this picture, someone explain it to me
<Cést_la_V> OK, I saw this in school once...
<=^catablanca^=> When, before or after your boy-chasing or catnaps in school? *I'm* the cat, and I take less naps than you!
<Cést_la_V> If you didn't have me working so hard as Sailor V, I wouldn't have been so sleepy!! Anyway, this is a classic "Food Line"
<FireFly_9> Food line?
<Cést_la_V> Yes!! You see, first the smiling yellow pocketman thing with the Big ass Key will stop time, then the Pokeman with the Silence Glaive will cut up poor Naok-Nako chan and eat her... then the Key holding pocketman will eat the white one who ate Nako-Nako...
<Cést_la_V> After that it will release the flow of time... then the smell of the blood that was spilled with get into the air, and Luna will go mad in a feeding frenzy, eating the ywllow pocketman, being slowed down because its hard to chew the BAK...
<Cést_la_V> After that, Diana-chan, who knows that cats sometimes eat their own young, will fuel her hungry body, which is exhausted after her obvious growth splurt, and she will devour luna whole
<FireFly_9> ..."Growth Spurt"...
<=^catablanca^=> LUNA! NOOOO! DIANAm, NOOOOO!
<Cést_la_V> Don't worry, Artemis, she will come for you klater...
<=^catablanca^=> =^O.o^=;;
<Cést_la_V> ... well she *would have* , vbut while she was busy chowing down on the unsuspecting Chibi-chibi-chan, Pikachu electrocuted her and had a very good meal...
<Cést_la_V> ...dying later of indigestion.
<// J_Daito //> I see now, it's much clearer, thank you aino
<=^catablanca^=> You are demented, you know that...
<// J_Daito //> Thank you
<=^catablanca^=> I didn't mean YOU
[14:41] * // J_Daito // gives you the one finger salute
<FireFly_9> Not that it really matters, Minako-san, but I think you were referring to a "Food Chain"...
<Cést_la_V> Supermarket? I think this would be more like an "Abbot Noir"
<FireFly_9> "Abattoir"... Nevermind...
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