*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi*** Topic is '-= Because Vegita has no use for SSJ3 =-'
[23:09] * [ Dr_Xadium ] collapses on the ground
[23:10] * --=[ SpeedRcrX ]=-- kicks the prone channel OP in the side
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> Could... not... beat... Kakarotto...
<Cést_la_V> But you still powered up!!
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> I am used to having images take hours to complete... not days
[23:12] * [ Dr_Xadium ] leaps up
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> GAH, remind me NEVER to paint in Photoshop AGAIN... I can't believe I spent all that time on it and I STILL couldn't beat
that guy.
<Cést_la_V> But you still leveled up!! You never painted before!
[23:13] * Cést_la_V points to the picture
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> What a pain in the
[23:15] * [ Dr_Xadium ] passes out
<Mdm_Maestro> Hah, all that talk and you still didn't win
[23:15] * [ Dr_Xadium ] uses the last of his ki
[23:16] *** [ Dr_Xadium ] has kicked Mdm_Maestro from #suburbansenshi (REASON: eat me, canvas monkey )
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> I regret... nothing
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Never say that to a German cannibal.
<FireFly_9> LOL
*** Disconnected