Suburban Senshi: Welcome to Wade's brain after a chimichanga bender.
#424: “Ebay Redux”

*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
*** Topic is '-= What's your price? =-'
[00:56] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> And now I'm [BLEEP]ing traumatized
[00:57] <Mdm_Maestro> Hmm?
[00:57] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I was hitting eBay, as part of Xadium's stupid quest when I saw this "special" Jupiter UFO catcher doll
[00:58] <Mdm_Maestro> O_o;;
[00:59] <FireFly_9> That will give small children nightmares.
[01:01] <// J_Daito //> LOL she's "loose and clean"... I think Happosai will be glad to know that
[01:01] <FireFly_9> You're back?
[01:02] <// J_Daito //> Just teleported back from NH... where I mass hypnotized everyone to my will
[01:02] <FireFly_9> Do you seriously expect us to believe that YOU are Kerry?
[01:02] <// J_Daito //> You won't be so incredulous when I rip my mask off after taking the Oath of Office next year!!
[01:02] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Whatever
[01:02] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> So then I found this thing Michi, your mirror is out of a job...
[01:02] <Cést_la_V> Is Xadium STILL searching eBay for a cheap Venus figure?
[01:06] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> I have expanded my search to the intarweb... this guy was being cheap with the parts
[01:08] <Cést_la_V> Ecchi!!
[01:08] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> LOL 2 for 1
[01:08] <Mdm_Maestro> Don't even THINK about it, Haruka!
[01:09] <Cést_la_V> But you'll never find anythign cheap on the internet??
[01:09] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> No I have a plan
[01:10] <Cést_la_V> Plan?
[01:10] * [ Dr_Xadium ] 's eyes glint

[01:10] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> Yeah... somewhere I will find a page by a man...
[01:11] <Cést_la_V> man?
[01:11] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> Yes... a man who has just got a girlfriend, and has been ordered to rectify the sick otaku leanings of his bachelor life... a man who must dispose of his precious collectibles at super speed... and will write an ad saying "i used 2 b an otaku but now i h8 sailer moon and im getting rid of all my stuff for nothing take it from me"
[01:12] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> LOL
[01:13] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Pass me that bong when you're done with it Doc
[01:13] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> Damn it I'm serious!
[01:14] * [ Dr_Xadium ] shakes his fist at the sky

[01:15] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> I WILL FIND HIM!!
[01:17] <Mdm_Maestro> Why don't you sell your measly fanart... OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO
[01:17] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> Are you... implying something?
[01:17] <Mdm_Maestro> Hahahah those who can paint, those who cannot, Photoshop.
[01:19] *** [ Dr_Xadium ] has kicked Mdm_Maestro from #suburbansenshi (REASON: .... pigment smearing canvas monkey!!!)

[01:19] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> LOL she hit a sore spot eh
[01:20] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> :P So where's that FERARRI Hotaru-chan got you? huh?
[01:20] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> [BLEEP]
[01:20] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> I feel cleansed.
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