Suburban Senshi: Where Predestination Paradox is another four-letter word.
#407: “A piece of the Action”

*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
*** Topic is '-= The Federation owes us our cut!!!1 =-'
[19:00] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> So tell me something... if the pixel manga takes place after Act 20 it's part of the continuity, right??
[19:01] <FireFly_9> I suppose...
[19:01] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> And since I've moved next to Hotaru-tachi I'm a Suburban Senshi too... right??
[19:01] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> You are a guest star, not a Suburban Senshi
[19:02] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> That's for us ultra-cool Outer Senshi ONLY!
[19:02] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> What's Jedite then??
[19:02] <// J_Daito //> Dead Sexy, baby. Dead Sexy.
[19:02] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> And Professor Tomoe-san??
[19:03] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> But I'm a Sailor Senshi, right??
[19:03] <Mdm_Maestro> The *second* one, yes...
[19:03] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> ¬_¬;
[19:03] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> And since I live next to you I live in the Suburbs too, right??
[19:04] <FireFly_9> Since you live next to us, and thus Haruka-poppa, your property value is nil. But yes, you would be in the Suburbs.
[19:04] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> So Res Ispa Liquitur I'm a Suburban Senshi too!!
[19:05] <FireFly_9> Res Ispa *Loquitor*.
[19:05] * [ Dr_Xadium ] sighs

[19:05] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> What's your point, Minako-chan?
[19:05] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> I already have my top graphic, I want my own sidebar homepage too!!
[19:06] * [ Dr_Xadium ] is too lazy

[19:06] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> ...
[19:06] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> But I'm your favorite!!
[19:06] * [ Dr_Xadium ] points to prior statement

[19:06] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> Onegai?
[19:07] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> :P
[19:07] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> It's not fair!!
[19:07] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> Here why don't you accept this new artwork instead, it is of good quality, you can click it to see the whole thing:

[19:09] <FireFly_9> You stole Boticelli's shell...
[19:10] <Mdm_Maestro> And Takeuchi's design from the Materials Collection
[19:10] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> Well, Minako-chan?
[19:11] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> ^_^
[19:11] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> @}-,-'--
[19:11] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> heh
[19:11] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> Now give me my damn homepage!!
[19:11] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> dammit
*** Disconnected