Suburban Senshi Entry #2284 - “[Nobody November] Behold! the 99th bottle of beer! ”
#2284 “[Nobody November] Behold! the 99th bottle of beer! ”
Excerpt Start - 07:46 AM 11/22/22

// J_Daito //
The sheer amount of salt. You'd think it was the dead sea
I don't see why anyone else should get angry if someone decides to leave Twitter for somewhere else.
I guess it's because people feel like you're insulting their choice to stay. Like you think less of them.
But that's not the case?
// J_Daito //
People are simple creatures. They feel that if you're doing something different than them you're judging them for not following their path.
So like the ones that get unreasonably threatened when they see someone else wearing a face mask?
// J_Daito //
Exactly. They chalk it up to "so you think you're better than me?" even if you're not even paying attention to them.
Speaking of "so you think you're better than me"...
Today's painting for "Nobody November" depicts the legendary confrontation between Haruka and Usagi-chan.
You mean the one in the Aquarium at Seafort Square where she was trying to steal the Legendary Illusory Silver Crystal Ginzuishou off her bow?
Not quite, dear.

This was at a convention where Usagi-chan was cosplayig as herself and they fought over the last beer
// J_Daito //
That certainly puts the "pain" in "Painting".
The irony here is Haruka-poppa holds her beer better than Usagi-san.
// J_Daito //
She never met a cream stew that it wasn't nice to meet.
Excerpt End - 07:54 AM 11/22/22

Suburban Senshi: We need Jokes. LOTS of Jokes.