Suburban Senshi Entry #2256 - “20 years later, a radical new approach appears! The Senshi in peril!! ”
#2256 “20 years later, a radical new approach appears! The Senshi in peril!! ”
 | Excerpt Start - 11:43 PM 09/08/22
#suburbansenshisquad |
 | Charm_BUSTer
So the surgery's going well and they've got Artemis converted into socks or something, I think they'll get him back to being a cat in a few days
// J_Daito //
Does it matter? These days the promotional material from TOEI seems to forget he exists.
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 | SpeedRcr_X
Man f[BLEEP]k TOEI they just use our likenesses without paying us Royalties
 | SpeedRcr_X
We should start our own show just to make cash
// J_Daito //
Suburban Sergeants was a thing you know
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 | SpeedRcr_X
That was like 20 years ago, no one remembers that
i sew dis on da intarnat
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 | SpeedRcr_X
 | SpeedRcr_X
We should totally make an ISEKAI it's all the rage
You realize for isekai to work we'd all have to *die*, yes?
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 | // J_Daito //
I have no problem making that happen for you
 | Excerpt End - 11:47 PM 09/08/22 |