Suburban Senshi Entry #2242 - “[Retraction!] Skip Wolf Warrior 2”
#2242 “[Retraction!] Skip Wolf Warrior 2”
Excerpt Start - 02:52 PM 04/10/22

So yesterday we reviewed Wolf Warrior 2, and kind of lightly touched on the fact there was propaganda in it
But obviously there's a lot of it, and this youtube reviewer focuses on the propaganda buried in it
He hits it on the head, though honestly this could be said about a lot of 80s American films too
Well one thing I noticed was they were happy to have plenty of Africans in secondary roles, quite unlike how they convinced Disney to downplay Finn in The Rise of Skywalker.
Well it is a culture war, isn't it? It was the US vs Russia, now it's China vs the US.
Yesterday I said there wasn't anything particuarly Asian about the film and I sort of think that's the point. You want it to feel like a Watern Blockbuster so people eat it up and the hidden messages in it.
// J_Daito //
You recommended it as popcorn watching. You taking that back?
No, there's lots of great action. Just come for that and don't let the rest of the jingoistic bullshit suck you in.
But to counter that point - there's *plenty* of action movies out there. Why even give one with this questionable pedigree any of your time?
I mean we did because we didn't know what it was about when we chose it.
I guess
It's not even like movies such as Harry Potter where the author became toxic - the work wasn't suffused with their attitudes (though continuing to support them is a problem) - these movies come with the poison baked in.
...When you put it like that, yeah... I'd take it back and say give Wolf Warrior 2 a pass.
Excerpt End - 03:04 PM 04/10/22

Suburban Senshi: You'll need a smoke.