Suburban Senshi Entry #2219 - “Botched Shane MacMahon Promo or Drunk Ten'ou Haruka? YOU DECIDE!!”
#2219 “Botched Shane MacMahon Promo or Drunk Ten'ou Haruka? YOU DECIDE!!”
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
One uh, one thing I do wanna...gotta mic? Mic?...Does this work?...oh this is much better...Hold on a second...Just let me test this out here...Well Hotaru, I guess I should...I guess I should gets...really, get what's...on my chest off and...I should be talking to you right now...y'know? So I guess I should say it...well...face-to-face. Huh?...So Hotaru, I uh uh uh I can see you've been out here, y'know, and you've been talking about the events that have transpired, and that has caused me to do a little...well...
FireFly_9 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
smacks lips together..."self-introspection,"
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
if you will. And...hmph...what have I been doing?...Did I have fun last week?...Did I have fun last week...well absolutely I did, I mean, that's what I do, Hotaru, I have fun huh relax a little bit, it's all in good fun here. But that's what I do in life, I have fun you should, too...Y'know? Do I have fun sometimes at others' expenses? Yeah, I totally do. No problem, I have fun at others' expense. But that's okay...y'know? It's okay in my book as long as it benefits me...y'know? And I'm not the only one who thinks like that. No, there's many other people that do as well. I can tell you're not one of them, though...Y'know, it's okay Hotaru, just relax a little bit.
FireFly_9 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
Heavy breathing
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
Hotaru, one thing...we have to get done...
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
FireFly_9 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
Heavy breathing
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
I don't know if I can talk to you about this...
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
I wanted to get stuff done and talk to you about other peoples'...
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
One thing I need to get I need to come to an understanding with you.
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
One thing, Hotaru...
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
Heavy breathing
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
FireFly_9 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
Hotaru, one of the things I would never, ever, ever, ever come out here, and make you look...stupid...No Hotaru, never...I would never, ever do that...Matter of fact, "stupid," I find, is an abhorrent word...terrible word...y'know? I can tell by one of the things that you're, you're pacing around and you're all upset about me and...y'know, quite frankly, Hotaru...y'know, one of the things you have in there, I can tell by your non-verbal cues that, I're quite upset with me...y'know?...
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
I'm not playing games with you Hotaru.
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
Again, going back, Hotaru, never, ever want to make you feel stupid, I would never, ever say those words to you. Those are disgusting and cruel and abhorrent words...abhorrent words...and, again, never would I make you feel like Hotaru...there are a few others that, y'know, may say or may have heard specifically in your life, y'know, such as...y'know..."stupid is as stupid does?"...or "you fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down?"...Or just quite simply..."this kid is so, stupid!"...Now Hotaru, again...that's not me saying those things...and that...doestailes maybe into a little bit of a stereotype of, y'know..."big power, little brain," y'know, kind of like the dinosaurs...But Hotaru, hear me out on one thing...again...I have never...would I ever...specifically, call you..."stupid"...would I?...Ho-Ho-Ho-HO-HOTARU
FireFly_9 03/09/2021
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
Uh-oh, hey, she's there!?
// J_Daito // 03/09/2021
Ten'ou how f[BLEEP]king drunk are you
C'est_La_V 03/09/2021
I want these minutes of my life back....
FireFly_9 03/09/2021
FireFly_9 is AFK: ( This is the s[BLEEP]t I have to to put up with on a daily basis)
SpeedRcr_X 03/09/2021
So stupid~ :D

Suburban Senshi no-sells Planet Namek