Suburban Senshi Entry #2206 - “Some things are better off DEAD! The Suburban Senshi react to the rest of the Death Note Anime [Episodes 11-37]!!”
#2206 “Some things are better off DEAD! The Suburban Senshi react to the rest of the Death Note Anime [Episodes 11-37]!!”
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Okay who's ready for the next batch of Death Note Episodes~
Mdm_Maestro 08/09/2020
Have you noticed how "L" seems to have a bird-like motif to him? From his hair to his body posture?
Mdm_Maestro 08/09/2020
Even his eyes seem to be like bird's. Wide, and round.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
So he pecks for the truth?
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
I see him as a raven, cutting and intelligent
Reverend_H 08/09/2020
A sugar-addicted raven, yo
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
On to episode 11, where TV stations are Kira's next target~
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
So L has a blue colored motif and Kira red - it's like High functioning sociopath Red vs High functioning sociopath Blue.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Wait how did he kill that person without the name?
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
I'm guessing that's the mystery we're mean to be obsessing over right now
RedCrow 08/09/2020
I'm betting it's someone with Shinigami eyes - remember a second Shinigami went down to Earth in the last episode.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Oh god another person with no eyebrows.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Wow that is a hangup of yours isn't it
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Yeah watching K-on is a problem lol
RedCrow 08/09/2020
K-on characters don't have eyebrows so much as forehead tadpoles
RedCrow 08/09/2020
AHAH it is another shinigami
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Ooh it's Misa.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
So this is how she fits in
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
So L is asking Kira to play Kira on TV as a fake Kira to catch the other fake Kira.
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
my head
Mdm_Maestro 08/09/2020
Why is everyone using gothic fonts here?
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
Mmm I like Misa's sense of decor.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
WOW L straight fell the F[BLEEP]K out of his chair when he heard "Shinigami"
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
I think i'd be losing it too TBH. How do you even defend against a supernatural being?
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
I usually do it by punching it in the balls.
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
I'd have to go back to the first episode but is Yagami's dad's hair actually greying over the course of the show?
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Wow Misa is messed up in the head.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Every time I see L snacking I want to snack too
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
Someone's impressionable
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
Misa's pretty clever, actually. I like how she set up her observation post.
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
She's almost as good at disguises as I am.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Dude your disguises suck. You either just put on glasses or a yukata or a sweatsuit and call it a day
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
It worked on the inner senshi :P
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Well they're not as perceptive
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
- WHAT -
Mizunomics01 08/09/2020
I'm sorry I think I must have misread that
C'est_La_V 08/09/2020
PoundMYMochi 08/09/2020
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Who are you calling a LOSER miss "all I can do in life is cosplay myself on onlyfans with my milquetoast husband and have him use my ponytails as handlebars!"
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
..wait what
PoundMYMochi 08/09/2020
C'est_La_V 08/09/2020
Mdm_Maestro 08/09/2020
Haruka what the hell are you watching!?
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
Can we uhh, can we get back to Death Note please
PoundMYMochi 08/09/2020
You're one of my onlyfans Haruka?
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Oh, f[BLEEP]k you Yagami, planning to use a girl like that.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
I love how that wasn't a hug but like a triple action hug
C'est_La_V 08/09/2020
I want a triple-action hug like that!
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
Minako, that is the triple action hug of a man who wants to kill you.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Oh Damn Misa basically telling Yagami if he dates anyone else she'll murder them.
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
I'm sure that ruthless dedication to a cause isn't something Haruka-poppa is famiiar with :P
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
"that one time"
setsy_meioh 08/09/2020
And me. You murdered me too.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Nah Michiru did that
Mdm_Maestro 08/09/2020
Stop blaming me dear, it was your plan!
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
Please I don't want to think of you two doing anything with each other.
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
L just called Yagami his friend
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
nosebleeds a little
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
I think that ship is ancient by now
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
He'd like to play "tennis" with him again. 2 Boys one ball
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Oh god stop it Paisley
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
No no, no no, this is relevant to our interests.
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
might already have a few of those doujins
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
"This is the fist time I've really wanted to hit a woman" - You can TELL she's unnerved him to the point where he cant coldly think his way out of s[BLEEP]t
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
...Did... did motherf[BLEEP]ker just talk another shinigami into doing his job for him?
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
There's no way it could be that easy.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
I really don't like the way Yagami treats Misa.
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
LOL "so long as you don't die, college is a fun place."
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
L is a Misa fan this is hilarious
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
LOL Kira pretending to be Kira to get Misa freed - what even is this
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Everybody is in prison - this is f[BLEEP]king intense
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
What even is happening right now.
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
LOL even L is thinking the same thing rn
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
His dad in the car this is INSANE
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
This is just... what right now
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
The handcuffs are a nice choice~
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
LOL "get close to Misa and 'investigate' her".
Reverend_H 08/09/2020
Yo, I'd sign up for that job, yo~
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Episode 18 - The two ex-Kiras hunting down Corporate Kira?
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
Is it me or is the desk at Yotsuba corp getting higher as they kill more people?
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Oh wow underworld pros
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
AHAHAHA L poses as the world's THREE Top detectives at once, this is great.
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
...Matsuda you idiot
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
LOL this whole arc wasn't in the live action
RedCrow 08/09/2020
hahah "don't you think this whole thing is headed in a strange direction."
RedCrow 08/09/2020
"hahaha please consider me for the commercial AFTER MY MANAGER FELL TO HIS DEATH"
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
Kira posing as L to stop Kira is hilarious.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Oh god "If I die take over from me as L"
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
L is such a d[BLEEP]k as well
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Episode 21 now
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Misa did more in 10 minutes to unmask Kira than L did all series.
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
This is all going too smoothly. It can't end this cleanly.
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
I dunno, it really does feel like this is just a sideshow to Yagami turning back into Kira.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Oh man second Kira with the shinigami eyes.
=/\catablanca/\= 08/09/2020
"I never knew you could fly a helicopter." "It's just intuition."
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
Oh wow Episode 24 - are the police going to find out about the Death Note now?
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Damn, Misa, giving up half her life span again. That's hardcore.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
oh my god seeing the way Light just manipulates Misa I want to punish him so badly ><
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
The animation and sound design on episode 25 just went up a notch. It makes it really surreal and creepy.
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Fujoshi alert someone stop her from nosebleeding all over her keyboard
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
"You're still wet. "I'm sorry" *soft piano music plays" OH MY GOD
Mizunomics01 08/09/2020
There's no way L can be dead at this point. It feels like a feint.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Looking at the flashbacks from this episode, I was right, Lights' dad did start going grey.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
I like that attention to detail.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Wow this is NOT going where the movies went. What the heck is happeniiiiinng
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
Episode 27, only ten left to go~
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Mello is anything but mellow :/
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
AHAAHA the FBI agent's alias is John MacEnrow
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Will he be screaming at an umpire?
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
Wow Mellow is a d[BLEEP]k. I'm almost starting to root for Light at this point
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
This new dynamic kinda... sucks? The cat-and mouse between L and Kira was the best.
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
It's like it was Holmes vs Moriarty and they killed Holmes 2/3rds of the way in and left us with an unredeemed Moriarty as the "hero".
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
So Kira got pwned but it really was.. s[BLEEP]t
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Mizunomics01 08/09/2020
We're not supposed to like him - he's the bad guy.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
So why the hell is he the LEAD right now?
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
What another shinigami this late in the game?
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
So Mello vs Near as a replay of the L / Yagami dynamic. Only lame.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Wow Mello is scary even to shinigami
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Wow Lightis a d[BLEEP]k even to his dying dad.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Yagami's whole family has been destroyed...
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
Well they got the groveling American president just right ^_^
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
You know, the head of Sakura TV looks a lot like Art Bell.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
I'm.. sort of interested in now this goes but honestly with L gone it's lost its appeal.
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
Demegawa is becoming a televangelist.
=/\catablanca/\= 08/09/2020
Wait someone ELSE has a Death note now what is GOING ON
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
Did he make Misa give the ... yeah
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
A Bold move by Yagami, but was it wise
Perfect1 08/09/2020
Oh, of course they make a prosecutor a villain.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
I really hate Light Yagami
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
I really want to "nice boat" him.
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
Ahh, School Days
EmaSkye_LAPD 08/09/2020
"pretend to go out with her more." That scum.
Rule34Rocks 08/09/2020
He's "investigating her" himself.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
They're doing all this dramatic music like the buildup for the L / Kira confrontation but I'm not feeling it.
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
Near is making these connections too easily.
Flame_Sniper 08/09/2020
Wow a dinner between the victim and the side piece
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
"the only thing we can conclude from this is Light Yagami is popular with the ladies."
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Not this lady
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 08/09/2020
i'd dew ham
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
oh god
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
"Why are women so--?"
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Expecting loyalty from their partner? Not wanting to put up with being two-timed??
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Man it's episode 34 / 37 and I... just don't care anymore. This is sad.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Like I'm trying to keep taking it on the merits but it's so... deflated now. I don't have any other word to describe it.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Episode 35 and like... I don't get what Mello is even doing right now
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Oh jeeze he's just abandoning her to die isn't he
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
I really dislike him.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Near using that fingerpuppet of original L REALLY pisses me off
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Reminds me of what we COULD have had
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
"Near, you're clearly inferior to L". first thing I've agreed with Light on in a while.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
LOL no one's dying
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Oh light you said "I won" just a little too fast, didn't you~
// J_Daito // 08/09/2020
Last episode~
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Oh F[BLEEP]K this. I hate light and want him to lose too but this is too easy
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
This... should have been L's win.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Oh man happy-go-lucky Matsuda snapping... that... was powerful.
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
I will say his sudden shock at losing and this ending as he's trying to run away is well done.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
Poor Misa.
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
The ending of this is like one of those true crime movies where you see the bad guy meet his grisly end as a moral lesson about the consequences of a life of crime.
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Why is he getting peaceful, tranquil music for a sendoff?
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
It should really be dark and menacing here
FireFly_9 08/09/2020
Final Verdicts?
SpeedRcr_X 08/09/2020
Plot was great up until it shat the bed in the third act - 1.5 / 2 dragonballs;
Mdm_Maestro 08/09/2020
The visuals were quite good for the time - 2/2 dragonballs.
C'est_La_V 08/09/2020
The audio was great but reused a lot - 1.5 /2 dragonballs
IrnChef_Jovian 08/09/2020
The overall feeling - while Light was a villain you love to hate, the really strange decision to kill L and set up successors so late in the game was huge blunder that really soured the taste... 1/2 dragonball.
Mizunomics01 08/09/2020
Overall verdict: Five and half dragonballs.

Suburban Senshi: Nehelenia knows the Dead Sea from when it was getting sick.