Suburban Senshi Entry #2199 - “[ Grimdark Arc ] All Fired up~”
#2199 “[ Grimdark Arc ] All Fired up~”
SpeedRcr_X 05/26/2020
The Flame Lotus 05/26/2020
It all began when a new idol group appeared in Akihabara... the Magical Mystery Girls...

The Flame Lotus 05/26/2020
Who then revealed themselves to be "the supreme sailor team" created by Master Pimp Kyu Bae to make the world fall in love with Grimdark Magical Girls so that they would stop believing in regular magical girls, robbing them of their power and making Kyu Bae's people more powerful.
The Flame Lotus 05/26/2020

The Flame Lotus 05/26/2020
Eventually they went on to begin terrifying small children:

The Flame Lotus 05/26/2020
All part of their plan to drag the reputations of the Sailor Senshi through the mud.
The Flame Lotus 05/26/2020
The first clash came to an abrupt end when it turned out Kyu Bae had not realized the senshi were more than just the pretty princesses depicted in the manga and anime...

The Flame Lotus 05/26/2020
...and there the matter lay...
SpeedRcr_X 05/26/2020
Mizunomics01 05/26/2020
Oh, is this actually starting up again <_< (I had predicted it would just peter off)
SpeedRcr_X 05/26/2020
Yeah they tried to go after Rei-chan this time
SpeedRcr_X 05/26/2020

Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/26/2020

Suburban Senshi: Where sanity is an optional extra.