Suburban Senshi Entry #2194 - “Family Flashback Fun 90's style”
#2194 “Family Flashback Fun 90's style”
Mizunomics01 05/17/2020
.The Cuisinart had to be detonated by a swat team.
Flame_Sniper 05/17/2020
I'll bet
C'est_La_V 05/17/2020
Ne, ne! 15 years ago someone asked X-kun of a fanart of me and he finally did it!!
C'est_La_V 05/17/2020
C'est_La_V 05/17/2020

FireFly_9 05/17/2020
Fifteen... years...
Dr_Xadium 05/17/2020
I got busy <_<?
Mdm_Maestro 05/17/2020
That's because it takes that hack that much time to get anything close to right. And of course, it's not a picture of me, so it was time wasted.
Dr_Xadium 05/17/2020
... oh you're burning in the fire :P
Mdm_Maestro 05/17/2020
Dr_Xadium 05/17/2020
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 05/17/2020
o sit X finali snapaed
The Flame Lotus 05/17/2020
children, settle
setsy_meioh 05/17/2020
If anyone has any right to be bitter here it is me.
C'est_La_V 05/17/2020
I also found this shot of us at the beach from 1995!!
C'est_La_V 05/17/2020

Texas Samurai 05/17/2020
...Is Usagi wearin' a tablecloth?
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 05/17/2020
hshshsh i kan stall fat in dat swamsut
// J_Daito // 05/17/2020
That's because your growth is stunted.
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 05/17/2020
ur brayn iz stuntad geydit
// J_Daito // 05/17/2020
I see that you are tired of living.
Gol_D_Lux 05/17/2020
1995? Where are Haruka and the others?
FireFly_9 05/17/2020
...I remember this day.
FireFly_9 05/17/2020
You can't see it in this shot but they were off to the side trying to drown me.
Mdm_Maestro 05/17/2020
WE WERE NOT, DEAR! You were a baby and having difficulty swimming.
FireFly_9 05/17/2020
It is hard to swim when your head is being shoved underwater!
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2020
I just wanted you to see the jellyfish!
FireFly_9 05/17/2020
The poisonous jellyfish.
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2020
Was it? I don't recall
setsy_meioh 05/17/2020
I recall you got stung in the nethers and screamed for hours, Haruka.
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2020
I dunno what you mean
C'est_La_V 05/17/2020
Well there was also this great portait of most of us from Christmas 96?
C'est_La_V 05/17/2020

SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2020
// J_Daito // 05/17/2020
Prince Loser's shoulders are wide enough to land a plane on
Mdm_Maestro 05/17/2020
HARUKA THAT WAS YOU. You were drunk at the time.
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2020
God I hate when I get drunk and you play dress up and I end up waking up looking like some fashion doll from Volks
// J_Daito // 05/17/2020
Ten'ou was so frilly back then~
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2020
F[BLEEP]k off~
FireFly_9 05/17/2020
I think my drink was spiked. I am smiling there.
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 05/17/2020
new dewnt u reamamber ur smilang bcuz u were da 1 ho gat haracka drank n proaaosed dey drass har pu all frally
FireFly_9 05/17/2020
Oh yes~ :3
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2020
FireFly_9 05/17/2020
Revenge is a dish best served COLD

Suburban Senshi: One of the few NOT sued by SCO