Suburban Senshi Entry #2162 - “Sowing Seed in Mako-chan's Garden of Love! A Cold heart cries out in Heat!!”
#2162 “Sowing Seed in Mako-chan's Garden of Love! A Cold heart cries out in Heat!!”
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019

IrnChef_Jovian 03/26/2019
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019
...You ♡ but does Furuhata the Turtlef[BLEEP]ker really count as human any more?
Crwn_Frt_Gmer 03/26/2019
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
...As in "Pan" the half-man, half goat.
IrnChef_Jovian 03/26/2019
IrnChef_Jovian 03/26/2019
Ami-chan are you jealous :P
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
...there are better, more logical choices that could be made.
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019
Crwn_Frt_Gmer 03/26/2019
Look, just because you all are disconnected from nature
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019
Not all of us want to "connect" with nature in the same way you are
IrnChef_Jovian 03/26/2019
I'm completely fine with my life choices
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
Or did you just make a life choice because you felt there were no other options and you felt middle-age coming upon you?
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019
And nothing else coming upon you am I right
The Flame Lotus 03/26/2019 I need to end this log again because I will end this log again
IrnChef_Jovian 03/26/2019
Well what about you, miss "Grissom-sama"? Didn't you try to kill Sara Sidle with a Gundam to free him up for yourself?
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
I've moved on from Gil-sama and my dream lover Zonway.
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
I am a free woman.
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
...Do you understand?
IrnChef_Jovian 03/26/2019
I understand you need to get a date??
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
Yes. And you need to get a human to care for who is not infected with various turtleborne ailments
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019
I think of you less as a woman and more like that converted crone in Superman 3, Mizuno
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
You and "thinking" are oxymorons
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
My social calendar is completely empty today, Mako-chan.
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019
Only today?
Crwn_Frt_Gmer 03/26/2019
Can I come too?
Mizunomics01 03/26/2019
Come where?
// J_Daito // 03/26/2019
I think it would need to be a zoo for him to come
The Flame Lotus 03/26/2019
this chat is over

Suburban Senshi: Warez da beef??