Suburban Senshi Entry #2159 - “Something Fishy This Way Comes”
#2159 “Something Fishy This Way Comes”
FireFly_9 01/17/2019 wasn't about space at all. I hate that place.
// J_Daito // 01/17/2019
Don't worry, Tomoe the Younger. I've gotten you your revenge.
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
...Eh? How?
SpeedRcr_X 01/17/2019
What are we talking about?
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
Space World, an ice Skating rink. I thought it was some kind of museum.
SpeedRcr_X 01/17/2019
Oh, yeah. A rink. Anything that makes you physically exert yourself is anathema.
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
_You're_ Anathema, Haruka-poppa.
SpeedRcr_X 01/17/2019
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
Anyway, Jedite, what did you do?
// J_Daito // 01/17/2019
I disguised myself as "Hip Millennial Internet-Savvy Marketer Jedite" and went to the management with a plan they could not refuse.
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
....what plan.
// J_Daito // 01/17/2019
Well I had a surplus of brainwashed sea creatures from an earlier plan involving the Lawson convenience store chain
SpeedRcr_X 01/17/2019
Wait what
// J_Daito // 01/17/2019
And I needed the hostile flesh eaters assassinated so I leveraged a synergy
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
This is becoming increasingly bizarre
// J_Daito // 01/17/2019

// J_Daito // 01/17/2019
I even wrote the ad copy myself~
SpeedRcr_X 01/17/2019
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
What... I don't even... how can you even skate on those, wouldn't you trip over the fish heads?
// J_Daito // 01/17/2019
Oh yes the broken limbs of the small children (not mentioned) were particularly pleasing to me. Their moans and cries of pain as they called out for "Mommy", "Daddy" and "Police-san" warmed the c[BLEEP]kles of my dark heart.
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
Just when I think there are no new levels you can sink to, you find a way.
// J_Daito // 01/17/2019
Why thank you ♡
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 01/17/2019
dat haz 2b a photoship
RedCrow 01/17/2019
(h/t: Aspirant Snark)
FireFly_9 01/17/2019
Texas Samurai 01/17/2019
*sings th' Fish heads song~ ♫ *
FireFly_9 01/17/2019

Suburban Senshi: We need Jokes. LOTS of Jokes.