Suburban Senshi Entry #2141 - “Do Fans ruin your passion?”
#2141 “Do Fans ruin your passion?”
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Man internet drama about shows. Ruins the experience.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Fan communities can be such a pain in the ass
FireFly_9 05/31/2018
"Fan" is short for "Fanatic" for a reason.
Texas Samurai 05/31/2018
Ah thought it was short fer "fancier", like "Cat Fancier".
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
More like "internet a[BLEEP]le" if you ask me.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Holy crap the goth
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Where have you been for like the last half decade
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
That is so goth
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
I know right? How the f[BLEEP]k do you top that? Then Shenlong brought me back as a real vampire but I asked to be a daywalker and the a[BLEEP]le had never seen Blade so he made me into a Twilight Vampire like Edward Cullen which is such bulls[BLEEP]t but on the upside I'm OP AF
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Like I could totally rip a man apart with my bare hands
// J_Daito // 05/31/2018
Can you start with Gurio Umino
BIGG_MONEY_G 05/31/2018
Don't be a hata
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
But circling back, yeah why are fans so f[BLEEP]king toxic. You can't enjoy s[BLEEP]t anymore, someone's always b[BLEEP]chign about some aspect of it.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Well you know what they say, opinions are like a[BLEEP]les. Everybody's got one and THEY MUST SHARE.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
But let me ask you, Haruka, why does their b[BLEEP]chery interfere with your enjoyment of the show? Why don't you just like what you like and f[BLEEP]k the noise?
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
I like to be enagaged, you know? to get a sense of the community.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
But the community doesn't equal the show. A bunch of a[BLEEP]les tearing up McDonalds in a ragefit because they couldn't get some lame Schezuan Sauce is not the fault of Rick and Morty unless the show Actually told people to go do that stuff.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
I'd say just leave the s[BLEEP]tty forums and watch your show.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
But the experience is ruined
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
How is it ruined? Do you need a hivemind to tell you what's good and what isn't? I didn't realize surfing the forums was a prerequsite to watching things on TV. I have been clearly doing it wrong all the time.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Lemme put it this way
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
If all the fans of show X are a[BLEEP]les, people on the street immediately go "oh look there's a fan of X she must be an a[BLEEP]le too. They're all a[BLEEP]les."
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
They tar me with the same brush.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
So kay-- let me get this straight-- because you care about what other people think you're going to let other people who are being judgmental AF and generalizing based on the actions of another grou being dumb AF dictate what you are going to watch.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
So you've got TWO ehole groups of people who are NOT YOU controlling your life.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Well MAYBE if my favorite show is attracting S[BLEEP]T magnets I don't want to be S[BLEEP]TTY with them!
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Texas Samurai 05/31/2018
Hey ya'll there ain't no reason t' yell.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
You are denying yourself something you love because other people are being d[BLEEP]ks.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Well because what, I should just hole up in a corner and watch this s[BLEEP]t all alone and not talk about it to the rest of the world?
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Welcome to how we enjoy our hentai manga collections.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
(Unless you feel the need to go online and see how everyone else faps off to it?)
Reverend_H 05/31/2018
Don't judge me, yo!
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
I mean I don't get it, granted I'm a cranky gothic antisocial a[BLEEP]le who is just fine enjoying my guilty pleasures all by myself but I just think it's f[BLEEP]king depressing and disempowering that you're letting the world tell you what you can and cannot like.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
But at some point don't you think cultural norms are a thing?
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
1 - and listen close-- Internet a[BLEEP]les are NOT a cultural norm. And 2- if you go by that, then years ago when we first met, you and Michiru-san could not have gotten married in Japan because the F[BLEEP]KING "CULTURAL" NORM was INTOLERANCE.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
But you didn't give up your love for her, did you? F[BLEEP]k no. You stood your damn ground. Evne if you had to be subtle or secret about it.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Listen, you may be all grown up now but don't EVEN put that in the same LEAGUE.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
It may not be as significant in the grand scheme, but it's still important. You're giving up. For no good reason.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Maybe I don't want to deal with it every day,. huh? Maybe I'm tired of hearing "oh you like that show? I thought only a[BLEEP]les like that. It's not bad, but it's so toxic."
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
The show is innocent. It can't be toxic.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Look some of us can't afford to hole up in our basement all day, okay. I like being out in the world and seeing what people have to say.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Obviously not, dude.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
If you did you wouldn't be throwing your fandom away for s[BLEEP]t reasons.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Unless we're talking Roseanne here in which case f[BLEEP]k that the creatrix is f[BLEEP]king toxic.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
No, this is just regular kids' show stuff. The fans are just f[BLEEP]king insane.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Okay look, you like youtube videos right?
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Now what are the comments sections like on a lot of those videos?
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
Wretched hives of scum and villany
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
LOL well put. So do they actively stop you from watching the videos?
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
F[BLEEP]k no, I just never watch them. Look I see where you're going but fans are all in your face.
The Vampire Lyrica Hubert 05/31/2018
Mute, block, unfollow. Unsubscribe. It's not like someone has strapped you into a chair Clockwork Orange style and is shoving s[BLEEP]t in your face.
SpeedRcr_X 05/31/2018
It just leaves a sour taste in my mouth
Texas Samurai 05/31/2018
Ah'm callin' this one here, we're sorta circlin' th' drain on it.

Suburban Senshi: You'll need a smoke.