Suburban Senshi Entry #2134 - “Pleasure and Pain, Eros and Thanatos, Sparkles and Grimdark”
#2134 “Pleasure and Pain, Eros and Thanatos, Sparkles and Grimdark”
RedCrow 05/17/2018
X, Gemini, you have... a problem
Dr_Xadium 05/17/2018
Texas Samurai 05/17/2018
Whut's up?
RedCrow 05/17/2018
Artemis doesn't live with the two of you, right?
Dr_Xadium 05/17/2018
He did for a little while but left, why?
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
I heard my name?
RedCrow 05/17/2018
Yeah stop being a stalker, jerk.
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
RedCrow 05/17/2018
This got sent to Ginga
RedCrow 05/17/2018
It got sent to the Boss, I guess to try and aggravate her or something
RedCrow 05/17/2018

Dr_Xadium 05/17/2018
Texas Samurai 05/17/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2018
...This is relevant to my interests
Reverend_H 05/17/2018
Ready the faphand yo
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
FireFly_9 05/17/2018
...Artemis I'm disappointed.
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
Texas Samurai 05/17/2018
Ah'm gonna fricassee you, VARMINT!!
// J_Daito // 05/17/2018
You don't hear "varmint" much in every day conversation.
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/17/2018
Hang on guys.
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/17/2018
Let's be scientific about this.
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/17/2018
Let's forensically analyze this image.
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2018
Oh I'm already analyzing every pixel
Reverend_H 05/17/2018
I'm already analyzing every pixel, yo
Texas Samurai 05/17/2018
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/17/2018
Hold up, there's something here
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/17/2018
I can see the pixels:

=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
BLAst, thAnks tO thE pOwEr Of thE fOrEnsIcs scIEncE Of thE LOs AngELEs pOLIcE dEpArtmEnt thE strAtEgEm hAs bEEn rEvEALEd
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
...What strategem?
Texas Samurai 05/17/2018
Other'n peepin' on us?!
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
ThE peePing wAs MoSt NeCCessAry
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
ThE fEArsOmE UnLEAshEd tEmpEr Of thE rEd-hEAdEd OnE knOwnAs GEmInI SUnrIsE As thE rEsULt Of thE rEvELAtIOn Of hEr cLAndEstInELy ObsErvEd IntImAcy wOULd AvE rEsULtEd In thE swIft fIrEy ExEcUtIOn Of thE MAUAIn AdvIsOr tO thE "SAILOr SEnshI", thE OnE knOwn As "ArtEmIs"
FireFly_9 05/17/2018
Wait, you wanted Gemini-san to kill Artemis? Why?
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
OncE thEIr AdvIsOr wAs brUtALLy IncInErAtEd thE SAILOr SEnshI wOULd dEscEnd IntO A stAtE Of grIEf IndUcEd rAgE And dEspAIr mAkIng thEm rIpE And vULnErAbLE fOr fUrthEr mAnIpULAtIOn And dEmOrALIzAtIOn At thE hAnds Of my grImdArk mAgIcAL gIrL sqUAd
// J_Daito // 05/17/2018
My interest as been piqued.
C'est_La_V 05/17/2018
I don't know about all that rage and despair...
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
IrnChef_Jovian 05/17/2018
Ya I mean we might be a little upset but...
=/\catablanca/\= 05/17/2018
// J_Daito // 05/17/2018
Quiet I want to hear more about the space-rat's masterplan.
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
WE hAvE dEtErmInEd thAt grImdArk And dEspAIr Is thE bEst sOUrcE tO pOwEr Up OUr bOdIEs And mAIntAIn A pErpEtUAL stAtE Of ImmOrtALIty- wE sEEk tO sOw mAxImUm frIssIOn dIscOrd And dEspAIr, dEstrOyIng thE hOpE And jOy Of thE hUmAnIty In OrdEr thAt wE mAy sUp UpOn thEIr sALty dELIcIOUs tEArs whIch fOrm thE bAsIs Of OUr ImmOrtALIty ELIxIr
FireFly_9 05/17/2018
So wait... you're saying all the bulls[BLEEP]t grimdarkness in the Magical Girl world lately... all the misery and sufferinfg on Earth... internet trolls... the GOP... that's your doing?!
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
by yOUr tEArs wE shALL bE ImmOrtAL
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
mAgIcAL gIrLs Of thE sOL systEm prEpArE
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
my sqUAd Of pImpEd OUt EmO dEprEssIvE trAgIc grImdArk EmOgIrLs wILL brIng wAr tO yOU
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2018
Wait is one of them Mami Tomoe with the huge tracts of land because she can bring me anything
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
dO nOt jOkE AsshOLE thEy wILL crUsh yOU wIth thEIr sUffErIng
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2018
I'd rather she crush me with her
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2018
/awak s[BLEEP]t michi is here
SpeedRcr_X 05/17/2018
SpeedRcr_X is AFK: ( DAMMIT)
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 05/17/2018
Masta Pimp KyuBAE is AFK: ( mAgIcAL gIrL wAr Is cOmIng)
Mizunomics01 05/17/2018
We did this in 1996 with the Starlights, and it was horribly executed then, and I have no reason to believe it will be any different this time.
Flame_Sniper 05/17/2018
Taiki's Giant Forehead II: the revenge?

Suburban Senshi: No, seriously, drug free.