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#2134 “Pleasure and Pain, Eros and Thanatos, Sparkles and Grimdark”
Masta Pimp KyuBAE
BLAst, thAnks tO thE pOwEr Of thE fOrEnsIcs scIEncE Of thE LOs AngELEs pOLIcE dEpArtmEnt thE strAtEgEm hAs bEEn rEvEALEd
Masta Pimp KyuBAE
ThE fEArsOmE UnLEAshEd tEmpEr Of thE rEd-hEAdEd OnE knOwnAs GEmInI SUnrIsE As thE rEsULt Of thE rEvELAtIOn Of hEr cLAndEstInELy ObsErvEd IntImAcy wOULd AvE rEsULtEd In thE swIft fIrEy ExEcUtIOn Of thE MAUAIn AdvIsOr tO thE "SAILOr SEnshI", thE OnE knOwn As "ArtEmIs"
Masta Pimp KyuBAE
OncE thEIr AdvIsOr wAs brUtALLy IncInErAtEd thE SAILOr SEnshI wOULd dEscEnd IntO A stAtE Of grIEf IndUcEd rAgE And dEspAIr mAkIng thEm rIpE And vULnErAbLE fOr fUrthEr mAnIpULAtIOn And dEmOrALIzAtIOn At thE hAnds Of my grImdArk mAgIcAL gIrL sqUAd
Masta Pimp KyuBAE
WE hAvE dEtErmInEd thAt grImdArk And dEspAIr Is thE bEst sOUrcE tO pOwEr Up OUr bOdIEs And mAIntAIn A pErpEtUAL stAtE Of ImmOrtALIty- wE sEEk tO sOw mAxImUm frIssIOn dIscOrd And dEspAIr, dEstrOyIng thE hOpE And jOy Of thE hUmAnIty In OrdEr thAt wE mAy sUp UpOn thEIr sALty dELIcIOUs tEArs whIch fOrm thE bAsIs Of OUr ImmOrtALIty ELIxIr
So wait... you're saying all the bulls[BLEEP]t grimdarkness in the Magical Girl world lately... all the misery and sufferinfg on Earth... internet trolls... the GOP... that's your doing?!
Masta Pimp KyuBAE
my sqUAd Of pImpEd OUt EmO dEprEssIvE trAgIc grImdArk EmOgIrLs wILL brIng wAr tO yOU
Wait is one of them Mami Tomoe with the huge tracts of land because she can bring me anything
We did this in 1996 with the Starlights, and it was horribly executed then, and I have no reason to believe it will be any different this time. |
Suburban Senshi: No, seriously, drug free.