Suburban Senshi Entry #2088 - “Reboot 8: Dressing up the Place”
#2088 “Reboot 8: Dressing up the Place”
The Intern 01/24/2017
I have finally gotten the gallery mostly under control, and it has received a massive update.
Mdm_Maestro 01/24/2017
Hmph. Putting my name on it is the only way I will get any representation, since I am neither a blonde, nor a redhead.
Texas Samurai 01/24/2017
Don't be jealous, darlin'~
Mdm_Maestro 01/24/2017
Don't be provincial, dear~
Gol_D_Lux 01/24/2017
Oh I dunno, I see something I like~ ♫
Mdm_Maestro 01/24/2017
Gol_D_Lux 01/24/2017

SpeedRcr_X 01/24/2017
The Intern 01/24/2017
Ahh, that Pajama party outfit you made me wear. It was rather flimsy, though.
SpeedRcr_X 01/24/2017
This is not a negative~
Mdm_Maestro 01/24/2017
The Intern 01/24/2017
It doesn't strike me as very practical, however.
Gol_D_Lux 01/24/2017
<_< sleepwear isn't supposed to be? You really need to stop sleeping in "Business Casual", Nixie.
The Intern 01/24/2017
But what if an emergency arises (as it often does)?
Gol_D_Lux 01/24/2017
You change clothes?
The Intern 01/24/2017
But that increases response time.
Gol_D_Lux 01/24/2017
Wearing business casual to bed increases my response time.
The Intern 01/24/2017
I don't follow.
Rule34Rocks 01/24/2017
And that is why you are such an adorkable Time Lady, Intern~
Dr_Xadium 01/24/2017
* joins thread, sees his granddaughter talking about her 'response time' and nopes out of this thread*
Gol_D_Lux 01/24/2017
LOL We're all adults here!
Rule34Rocks 01/24/2017
Some more than others, Cressida. Some more than others.

Suburban Senshi: It's Time to administer the PostCure