Suburban Senshi Chat #1984 - “Budokai 2k13: Semifinal: hino vs Franziska von Karma”
#1984 “Budokai 2k13: Semifinal: hino vs Franziska von Karma”
[17:59] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ and So we begin the semi-finals of the 40th Budokai with former champion hino versus current champion, Franziska von Karma!
[18:00] <=( KiNG KAi )=> ♦ This should be something to see! was merciless in her last round!
[18:01] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ Franziska's will to win shouldn't be counted out, though!
[18:01] *** spiritflame [] has joined #budokai [18:01] *** @SpeedRcrX sets mode +o spiritflame [18:01] ☼ Scouter indicates spiritflame has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[18:01] ☼ Scouter indicates spiritflame has HP level of 1500!
[18:01] *** Franziska von Karma [] has joined #budokai
[18:02] ☼ Scouter indicates Franziska von Karma has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[18:02] ☼ Scouter indicates Franziska von Karma has HP level of 1500!
[18:02] * @spiritflame bows to Franziska-san
[18:02] * Franziska von Karma returns the bow
[18:03] <Franziska von Karma> Miss, I won't allow you to stop me from defending this title!
[18:03] * Franziska von Karma holds her whip taut
[18:03] * @spiritflame does not reply, just letting the wind flap her robes
[18:04] <spiritflame> @spiritflame rolls 1d20 [ 11 ]
[18:04] <spiritflame> Franziska von Karma rolls 1d20 [ 20 ]
[18:04] <@spiritflame> ...impressive.
[18:05] <Franziska von Karma> Nothing short of a perfect beginning for what will be a perfect matchup.
[18:05] * @spiritflame appears calm and totally serene.
[18:06] * Franziska von Karma smirks for a moment, and then assumes the same stance.
[18:06] * @spiritflame raises an eyebrow
[18:07] * Franziska von Karma turns slowly, and then LASHES out with her whip, wrapping it around's arm and YANKING her forward, bringing her knee up to kick as she is drawn close
[18:07] [1500 HP / 900 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 10 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[18:07] [1446 HP / 1007 MP] spiritflame has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! (x 2 Hits) [ Opponent: Attack again ] (54 damage)
[18:08] * @spiritflame is STUNNED by the sudden hit and limply falls towards von karma
[18:10] * Franziska von Karma WHIPS sideways, jerking to the side and SLAMMING her into the ring
[18:10] [1500 HP / 800 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 12 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[18:10] [1443 HP / 1009 MP] spiritflame has BLOCKED the attack! (3 damage)
[18:11] * @spiritflame puts out an arm and arrests her descent, pushing up to a vertical base
[18:12] [1443 HP / 509 MP] SPECIAL ATK: spiritflame just BLASTS KI at von Karma's head from her mouth (-500 MP)
[18:12] [1298 HP / 838 MP ] Franziska von Karma has taken a CRITICAL HIT from a Special Attack!! (202 damage)
[18:13] * Franziska von Karma arches back sliglty from the impact, then straightens up, cold grey eyes meeting's gaze.
[18:13] * Franziska von Karma's first tightens around her whip.
[18:14] * Franziska von Karma LASHES OUT at's side in a fluid motion... putting her "ki" into it as Piccolo taught her
[18:14] [1298 HP / 738 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 63 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[18:15] [1373 HP / 514 MP] spiritflame has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (70 damage)
[18:15] * @spiritflame looks down to her side where part of her robe has been torn off
[18:15] <@spiritflame> Tch.
[18:16] [1373 HP / 494 MP] spiritflame JABS von karma in the windpipe with a snake-style kung-fu attack (-20 MP)
[18:16] [1283 HP / 755 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (15 damage)
[18:16] * Franziska von Karma staggers back, wind momentarily knocked out of her
[18:17] * Franziska von Karma looks at's 'ki'... the miko is suppressing her powers greatly for the purposes of the fight
[18:19] * Franziska von Karma SLIDES forward and kicks's legs out from under her and PUNCHES upwards at the same time with interlocked fists
[18:19] [1283 HP / 655 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 61 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[18:19] [1373 HP / 497 MP] spiritflame has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell 2 ] (0 damage)
[18:19] * @spiritflame PUSHES BACK the punches with just her stomach
[18:19] [1205 HP / 662 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (78 damage)
[18:20] * Franziska von Karma CRASHES down to the ground
[18:20] [1373 HP / 474 MP] spiritflame SMASHES her foot down on Franziska's midsection (-23 MP)
[18:20] [1167 HP / 679 MP] Franziska von Karma has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (38 damage)
[18:21] * Franziska von Karma spits up blood ><
[18:22] [1167 HP / 179 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Franziska von Karma LASHES OUT WITH HER WHIP, wrapping it around's neck again, and jerking her head forward right into von Karma's waiting fist (-500 MP)
[18:22] [1151 HP / 503 MP ] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT from a Special Attack!! (222 damage)
[18:22] * @spiritflame is knocked out cold for a second... but only a second...
[18:22] <@spiritflame> you think... you're winning?
[18:23] * @spiritflame smirks
[18:23] * @spiritflame presses a palm to fransizka's wounded midsection
[18:23] * @spiritflame Fires off a ki blast!
[18:23] [1151 HP / 403 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 42 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[18:24] [1165 HP / 188 MP] Franziska von Karma has BLOCKED the attack! (2 damage)
[18:24] * Franziska von Karma coldly bats the ki blast aside.
[18:24] <@spiritflame> ....
[18:24] <@spiritflame> impressive
[18:24] [1165 HP / 250 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:25] <@spiritflame> What are you thinking...
[18:25] * @spiritflame KICKS Franziska in the head
[18:25] [1151 HP / 303 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 79 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[18:25] [1093 HP / 254 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (72 damage)
[18:25] [1093 HP / 256 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:26] <Franziska von Karma> I think... I'm going to defeat you.
[18:26] * Franziska von Karma retains an icy demeanour even has blood trickles from behind her left ear
[18:26] <@spiritflame> you cannot win this way
[18:28] <@spiritflame> i will break you
[18:29] * @spiritflame unleashes a volley of punches all over franziska's shoulders, head and midsection
[18:29] [1151 HP / 203 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 9 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[18:30] [975 HP / 265 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (118 damage)
[18:30] * Franziska von Karma takes the hits, blotting out the pain
[18:30] [975 HP / 268 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:31] <@spiritflame> you are trying to defeat the mountain by being the mountain?
[18:31] <@spiritflame> ludicrous
[18:31] * @spiritflame just continues her assault
[18:31] [1151 HP / 103 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 28 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[18:31] [975 HP / 273 MP] Franziska von Karma has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell 2 ] (0 damage)
[18:32] * Franziska von Karma grabs's hands, enfolds them away from her, in an aikido-like move, redirects her power against her
[18:32] [1071 HP / 161 MP] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (80 damage)
[18:32] * @spiritflame staggers back, blinking...
[18:32] <@spiritflame> you continue to surprise...
[18:32] [975 HP / 280 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:33] <@spiritflame> but this is a foolish strategy... banking it all on one move
[18:33] [1071 HP / 126 MP] spiritflame hits von Karma with a ki beam "I will continue to wear you down" (-35 MP)
[18:33] [975 HP / 284 MP] Franziska von Karma has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage)
[18:34] * Franziska von Karma flicks her whip and sends the beam back!
[18:34] [1068 HP / 129 MP] spiritflame has BLOCKED the attack! (3 damage)
[18:34] * @spiritflame BATS it aside with ease, but is growing ever more impressed.
[18:34] <@spiritflame> ............
[18:34] <@spiritflame> you really have grown
[18:35] * Franziska von Karma allows herself a small smirk, but otherwise says nothing
[18:35] [975 HP / 306 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:35] <@spiritflame> heh
[18:35] [1068 HP / 156 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:35] * Franziska von Karma raises her eyebrow
[18:35] [975 HP / 349 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:36] [1068 HP / 181 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:36] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ Oh what the hell, they're just standing there powering up!
[18:36] [975 HP / 386 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:36] <=( KiNG KAi )=> ♦ Well when you're fighting you GOTTA be careful!
[18:36] [1068 HP / 212 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:37] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ But surely knows Franziska will be able to make a heavy hit first...
[18:37] [975 HP / 418 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:38] * @spiritflame suddenly APPEARS in front of Franziska and uppercuts her
[18:38] [1068 HP / 112 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 48 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 4]
[18:38] [855 HP / 460 MP] Franziska von Karma has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 4 Hits) (120 damage)
[18:38] * Franziska von Karma goes FLYING in the air ><
[18:39] <=( KiNG KAi )=> ♦ WHOA, was just looking to keep chipping away at her!
[18:39] * Franziska von Karma crosses her arms in midflight
[18:39] [855 HP / 474 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:39] [1068 HP / 72 MP] spiritflame LEAPS up over Franziska, laces her hands together and PUNCHES von Karma back down to the Ring! (-40 MP)
[18:40] [855 HP / 483 MP] Franziska von Karma has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage)
[18:40] * Franziska von Karma meets that two-handed punch with one of her own!
[18:40] [1050 HP / 79 MP] spiritflame has been HIT!! (18 damage)
[18:40] * @spiritflame goes flying back up into the air ><
[18:40] [855 HP / 528 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:40] * Franziska von Karma grins
[18:41] [1050 HP / 51 MP] spiritflame fires off a kamehameha! (-28 MP)
[18:41] [801 HP / 535 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (54 damage)
[18:41] * Franziska von Karma is hit in the side and lands on the ring, staggering on one leg.
[18:46] [801 HP / 35 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Franziska von Karma ZWEES in front of, and with one fist, SMASHES her in the solar plexus (-500 MP)
[18:49] [562 HP / 92 MP ] spiritflame has been STUNNED by a special attack and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (488 damage)
[18:50] * @spiritflame SCREAMS through the air and SMASHES into a retaining wall , bouncing back into the crater in the center of the ring
[18:50] * @spiritflame lays on the ground, stunned
[18:51] * Franziska von Karma pants...
[18:51] * Franziska von Karma doesn't have enough power to follow up
[18:52] [801 HP / 49 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:52] <@spiritflame> tch
[18:52] * @spiritflame levitates out of the crater much like goku-san in the last fight, and cracks her neck
[18:52] <@spiritflame> it would seem fate favors the bold...
[18:53] [562 HP / 161 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:53] <@spiritflame> but this will not hold
[18:53] [801 HP / 103 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[18:53] <Franziska von Karma> Oh, I think it will~
[18:54] [562 HP / 132 MP] spiritflame lashes out, extending her arm forward and PUNCHING von Karma in the face (-29 MP)
[18:54] [773 HP / 118 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (28 damage)
[18:57] * Franziska von Karma grabs the fist that hit her, and with superhuman willpower, she GRABS and HURLS her over her shoulder, intending to SLAM her into the ring
[18:57] [773 HP / 18 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 65 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[18:58] [562 HP / 136 MP] spiritflame has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[18:58] <@spiritflame> d e n i e d
[18:59] [562 HP / 97 MP] spiritflame grabs von karma by the neck and slams her down headfirst instead! (-39 MP)
[18:59] [772 HP / 20 MP] Franziska von Karma has BLOCKED the attack! (1 damage)
[18:59] <Franziska von Karma>
[18:59] * Franziska von Karma extends a hand and keeps herself upright
[19:00] [772 HP / 29 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:00] [562 HP / 142 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:00] [772 HP / 83 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:01] * @spiritflame YANKS von karma into the air with, swinging her like a doll on a string, WHACKING her into a retaining wall
[19:01] [562 HP / 42 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 37 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[19:01] [736 HP / 87 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (36 damage)
[19:01] [736 HP / 115 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:01] * Franziska von Karma REBOUNDS off the wall and lands front of
[19:01] [562 HP / 82 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:03] [736 HP / 104 MP] Franziska von Karma exhales deeply, and then runs to, sliding past her, wrapping her whip around's lower left leg and yanking it out from under her, dragging her down into crater, SLAMMING her against its side (-11 MP)
[19:03] [736 HP / 4 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 88 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[19:03] [561 HP / 86 MP] spiritflame has BLOCKED the attack! (1 damage)
[19:03] * @spiritflame uses her power to levitate in place without hitting
[19:04] [561 HP / 124 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:04] [736 HP / 61 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:04] [561 HP / 108 MP] spiritflame peppers von karma with ki blasts from her hands (-16 MP)
[19:05] [561 HP / 8 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 32 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[19:05] [622 HP / 75 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (114 damage)
[19:05] * Franziska von Karma 's clothes are scorched, and she is trembling... but from pain or anger one cannot tell
[19:05] <Franziska von Karma> You are worthy of your station, Miss hino
[19:06] [622 HP / 141 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:06] * @spiritflame gives her a buddhist fist-in-palm salute 'as are you'
[19:06] [561 HP / 61 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:07] <Franziska von Karma> But that won't stop me from beating you!
[19:08] * Franziska von Karma kicks dirt in front of's eyes, and in the split second the miko blinks, she unleashes a WHIPPING FRENZY
[19:08] [622 HP / 41 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 52 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[19:08] [495 HP / 82 MP] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (66 damage)
[19:08] * @spiritflame CRASHES into the side of the crater...
[19:09] [495 HP / 121 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:09] [622 HP / 85 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:10] * @spiritflame zwees forward and responds with a fierce volley of her own punches that superheat the air and sound like gunshots!
[19:10] [495 HP / 21 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 90 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[19:10] [342 HP / 104 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 5 Hits) (280 damage)
[19:10] * Franziska von Karma CRASHES BACKWARDS into the ring, exploding another crater!
[19:11] <=( KiNG KAi )=> ♦ Man, oh man, the tables keep turning!
[19:11] <Franziska von Karma> it... won't... end... HERE!
[19:11] * Franziska von Karma ZWEES forward and meets PUNCH FOR PUNCH
[19:11] [342 HP / 4 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 58 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[19:11] [473 HP / 30 MP] spiritflame has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (22 damage)
[19:12] * @spiritflame smiles tautly, von karma is starting to weaken...
[19:12] [473 HP / 45 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:12] [342 HP / 40 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:12] [473 HP / 69 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:12] [342 HP / 78 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:12] [473 HP / 80 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:12] [342 HP / 106 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:13] [473 HP / 116 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:13] * Franziska von Karma grits her teeth, clenches her fists and puts all her power into a WHIP STRIKE
[19:13] [342 HP / 6 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 81 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[19:13] [422 HP / 134 MP] spiritflame has been HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (51 damage)
[19:13] <@spiritflame> not good enough
[19:14] * @spiritflame takes franziska's hand, squeezes her hand to make her drop the whip, and then rabbit-punches her furious with the other hand
[19:14] [422 HP / 34 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 49 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 4]
[19:14] [126 HP / 42 MP] Franziska von Karma has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 4 Hits) (216 damage)
[19:15] * Franziska von Karma is bloodied, bruised and disoriented
[19:15] [126 HP / 81 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:15] <@spiritflame> this match is over
[19:15] [422 HP / 14 MP] spiritflame kicks von karma down to her knees (-20 MP)
[19:15] [91 HP / 97 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (35 damage)
[19:15] [91 HP / 142 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:16] [422 HP / 76 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:16] <@spiritflame> you cannot overcome the gap in our power
[19:16] <Franziska von Karma> Says... you...
[19:16] * Franziska von Karma spits out a tooth
[19:16] * Franziska von Karma FORCES herself to her feet, tightening her fist
[19:17] * Franziska von Karma SLAMS one punch to's heart (if she had one)
[19:17] [91 HP / 42 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 89 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[19:18] [139 HP / 104 MP] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 5 Hits) (280 damage)
[19:19] * @spiritflame SKIDS back; she'd be out of breath if she breathed, but as it is she is merely confused and disoriented at what just happened
[19:19] * @spiritflame instinctively lashes out at von karma's throat with another snake strike
[19:20] [139 HP / 4 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 70 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[19:20] [91 HP / 47 MP] Franziska von Karma has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell 3 ] (0 damage)
[19:21] * Franziska von Karma again enfolds her hand and goes for an aikido-like redirection of force... but this time she adds her own willpower to it...
[19:21] [43 HP / 64 MP] spiritflame has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (96 damage)
[19:22] * @spiritflame is blasted back again, she skids across the ground, remaining upright...
[19:22] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ♦ What a see-saw battle, folks! Franzy's turned the tables again!
[19:23] * @spiritflame bites her lower lip
[19:23] [43 HP / 110 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:23] [91 HP / 82 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:23] * Franziska von Karma is so spent...
[19:23] * @spiritflame will have to make this one count...
[19:24] * @spiritflame ZWEES forward and DRIVES both fists into von karma's sternum!
[19:24] [43 HP / 10 MP] spiritflame unleashes a 74 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[19:25] [91 HP / 91 MP] Franziska von Karma has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell 5 ] (0 damage)
[19:25] * Franziska von Karma SCREAMS and with all her WILL TRADES those blows with!
[19:25] [39 HP / 17 MP] spiritflame has BLOCKED the attack! (4 damage)
[19:26] * @spiritflame swats back franziska's fists as rapidly as she can... but it was difficult..
[19:27] * Franziska von Karma staggers backwards, almost dropping...
[19:27] [91 HP / 147 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:27] [39 HP / 54 MP] spiritflame assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[19:27] <Franziska von Karma> This... is it... hino
[19:28] * Franziska von Karma LASHES out with her whip and hits with a cutting air slash with all her remaining power...
[19:28] [91 HP / 47 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 21 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 4]
[19:28] [-109 HP / 59 MP] spiritflame has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! (x 4 Hits) [ Opponent: Attack again ] (148 damage)
[19:28] spiritflame has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[19:29] * @spiritflame is BLASTED out of the ring, knocked into a daze, and hits the retaining wall, sliding down onto the ground out of bounds before blinking and coming to
[19:30] * Franziska von Karma , again, ends the match on her back looking up at the sky
[19:30] * Franziska von Karma weakly raises a fist and looks at her gloved hand
[19:30] * Franziska von Karma opens and closes her fist
[19:30] <Franziska von Karma> I... will.. win...
[19:30] * Franziska von Karma passes out
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