Suburban Senshi Chat #1981 - “Budokai 2k13: Tomoe Hotaru vs Franziska von Karma”
#1981 “Budokai 2k13: Tomoe Hotaru vs Franziska von Karma”

Suburban Senshi: Tenka'ichi Budokai

[14:47] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Well, that was actually Sakur X. Aino's last fight in the Budokai, as she's retiring...
[14:47] * @spiritflame can be seen hugging sakura in the center of the ring
[14:48] <=( KiNG KAi )=> It woulda been nice to see the student outdo the master, but I guess that wasn't in the cards!
[14:49] *** Franziska von Karma [] has joined #budokai
[14:50] * Franziska von Karma takes the stage and shakes Miss Sakura Xadium Aino's hand
[14:50] <@Sakura Xadium Aino> :D
[14:50] * @Sakura Xadium Aino is all teared up
[14:50] *** FireFly_9 [] has joined #budokai
[14:50] * FireFly_9 gives Sakura-chan a hug as well
[14:51] <[gTV]Red_Crow> She'll be missed!
[14:51] *** @Sakura Xadium Aino [cherryblossomstorm@ishtarterra.venus.cmn] has quit IRC (I'll see all you precious peoples on the internets!)
[14:52] * @spiritflame bows to both hotaru-chan and franziska-chan and makes her way off the stage
[14:52] *** @spiritflame [] has left #budokai (TYGER, tyger, burning bright in the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?)
[14:53] <FireFly_9> I don't look forward to fighting her again...
[14:53] <Franziska von Karma> Don't worry, Miss Tomoe Hotaru... you won't get that opportunity.
[14:53] * Franziska von Karma cracks her whip confidently.
[14:54] <FireFly_9> Heh! We'll see, von Karma-san!
[14:54] ☼ Scouter indicates FireFly_9 has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[14:54] ☼ Scouter indicates FireFly_9 has HP level of 1000!
[14:54] ☼ Scouter indicates Franziska von Karma has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[14:55] ☼ Scouter indicates Franziska von Karma has HP level of 1000!
[14:55] <spiritflame> FireFly_9 rolls 1d20 [ 16 ]
[14:55] <spiritflame> Franziska von Karma rolls 1d20 [ 1 ]
[14:55] <FireFly_9> heh.
[14:55] <FireFly_9> I hate to tell you this...
[14:55] <FireFly_9> But your reign ends here.
[14:56] * FireFly_9 summons the Silence Glaive.
[14:57] [1000 HP / 971 MP] FireFly_9 SMASHES the glaive, blunt-side in, to Franziska's shoulder (-29 MP)
[14:57] [941 HP / 1010 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (59 damage)
[14:57] * Franziska von Karma feels the blunt, burning pain... and remembers Piccolo's training.
[14:58] * Franziska von Karma ZWEES around Hotaru at high speed lashing out with her whip at high speed
[14:59] [941 HP / 910 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 94 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[14:59] [883 HP / 988 MP] FireFly_9 has been HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (117 damage)
[14:59] <FireFly_9> GRAH ><
[15:00] * FireFly_9 's pretty black dress is getting cut up ><
[15:00] [883 HP / 988 MP] FireFly_9 tries to snarl the whip in her glaive and wrest it away (-0 MP)
[15:00] [916 HP / 973 MP] Franziska von Karma has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (25 damage)
[15:00] * Franziska von Karma loses her whip!
[15:01] * FireFly_9 snickers
[15:01] <FireFly_9> Now what, Madame Prosecutor?
[15:01] <Franziska von Karma> I know you and I haven't had much chance to talk...
[15:01] <Franziska von Karma> But if you think all I have going for me is that whip....
[15:02] * Franziska von Karma ZWEES right in front of Hotaru and PLANTS her palm in her stomach
[15:02] <FireFly_9> What's that... a one-inch punch or something?
[15:02] <Franziska von Karma> No.
[15:03] <Franziska von Karma> It is... several one-inch punches
[15:03] [916 HP / 873 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 17 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[15:03] [867 HP / 998 MP ] FireFly_9 has BLOCKED a special attack! (16 damage)
[15:03] <FireFly_9> - No. -
[15:03] * FireFly_9 grits her teeth and TAKES it.
[15:04] <Franziska von Karma> Tch.
[15:04] <FireFly_9> You miscalculated.
[15:04] [867 HP / 498 MP] SPECIAL ATK: FireFly_9 brings down the silence glaive... SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE! (-500 MP)
[15:05] [916 HP / 874 MP ] Franziska von Karma has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell special ] (0 damage)
[15:05] <Franziska von Karma> NO! YOU DID!
[15:05] * Franziska von Karma ... BATS THE POWER BACK WITH HER FOREARM
[15:05] <FireFly_9> O_o
[15:05] <FireFly_9> h-how...
[15:05] [764 HP / 514 MP ] FireFly_9 has been HIT by a SPECIAL ATTACK!! (103 damage)
[15:06] * FireFly_9 goes BLASTING across the ring, purple saturn energy boiling off her...
[15:06] <Franziska von Karma> FOOLISH FOOL! I didn
[15:06] <Franziska von Karma> t endure IMPOSSIBLE TRAINING FOR NOTHING!
[15:07] * Franziska von Karma walks past Hotaru and picks up her whip
[15:08] [916 HP / 374 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Franziska von Karma WHIPS the ever-living HELL out of Hotaru for her foolish presumption! "A von Karma NEVER miscalculates!" (-500 MP)
[15:08] [666 HP / 520 MP ] FireFly_9 has been HIT by a SPECIAL ATTACK!! (98 damage)
[15:09] * FireFly_9 cries out, bruised and bloodied a bit
[15:09] <FireFly_9> You spent a lot of energy... for little reward...
[15:10] * FireFly_9 props herself up on her glaive, spinning it
[15:10] * FireFly_9 hammers at von Karma-san with the butt of the glaive, with lighting-hard strikes
[15:10] [666 HP / 420 MP] FireFly_9 unleashes a 38 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[15:11] [806 HP / 375 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 5 Hits) (110 damage)
[15:11] * Franziska von Karma weathers the hits, her sleeves tearing off as she blocks
[15:12] <[gTV]Red_Crow> man, they're not taking it easy on each other...
[15:12] <=( KiNG KAi )=> Well, it IS a fight...
[15:13] * Franziska von Karma starts walking through the hail of blows...
[15:13] <FireFly_9> ... What... what are you doing?!
[15:15] * Franziska von Karma draws her whip taut... then tosses it aside
[15:15] <Franziska von Karma> Testing my training.
[15:15] * Franziska von Karma closes her eyes and starts to dodge the blows..
[15:15] * Franziska von Karma waves in closer...
[15:15] [806 HP / 353 MP] Franziska von Karma HEADBUTTS hotaru (-22 MP)
[15:15] [664 HP / 426 MP] FireFly_9 has BLOCKED the attack! (2 damage)
[15:16] * FireFly_9 meets the headbutt!
[15:16] * FireFly_9 stops her advance... but is at too close quarters to use the Silence Glaive
[15:17] [664 HP / 393 MP] FireFly_9 punches Franziska in the stomach (-33 MP)
[15:17] [806 HP / 357 MP] Franziska von Karma has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[15:17] * Franziska von Karma waves out of the way
[15:18] * Franziska von Karma retaliates with a RAIN OF IRON PUNCHES to hotaru's midesction
[15:18] [806 HP / 257 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 84 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 4]
[15:18] [436 HP / 409 MP] FireFly_9 has been HIT!! (x 4 Hits) (228 damage)
[15:18] * FireFly_9 cries out, being pushed back almost to the edge of the ring
[15:18] <=( KiNG KAi )=> looks like Piccolo's strength and endurance training is paying off for von Karma again!
[15:19] <FireFly_9> I won'
[15:19] <FireFly_9> I won't... fall.. here....
[15:20] * FireFly_9 crouches low and HEADBUTTS von Karma in the stomach
[15:20] [436 HP / 309 MP] FireFly_9 unleashes a 50 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[15:20] [806 HP / 259 MP] Franziska von Karma has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[15:21] * Franziska von Karma again, weaves sideways.
[15:21] * FireFly_9 cries out, frustrated at not being able to land a solid hit
[15:21] * Franziska von Karma still has her eyes closed, as if meditating...
[15:22] * Franziska von Karma is trying... to sense the girl's ki...
[15:22] [806 HP / 229 MP] Franziska von Karma lashes out with her whip where her instibct tells her hotaru is (-30 MP)
[15:22] [382 HP / 355 MP] FireFly_9 has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (54 damage)
[15:23] * FireFly_9 is HIT HARD in the face and stumbles back
[15:24] <FireFly_9> me can't...
[15:24] * FireFly_9 can't...
[15:24] <FireFly_9> DAMMIT.
[15:24] * FireFly_9 draws her hands down to the side
[15:25] <FireFly_9> Saturn....
[15:25] * FireFly_9 draws on her planet power...
[15:25] <FireFly_9> KAMEHAMEHA!
[15:25] [382 HP / 255 MP] FireFly_9 unleashes a 18 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[15:25] * FireFly_9 sends out a wave of energy that ages and decays what it hits
[15:25] [755 HP / 247 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (51 damage)
[15:26] * Franziska von Karma is hit and tears off her vest as it starts to rot away
[15:26] <Franziska von Karma> O_o that could have killed me!
[15:26] * FireFly_9 's eyes have gone purple.... her hair levitating...
[15:27] <[gTV]Red_Crow> O shi-- Hotaru's losing control...
[15:28] <=( KiNG KAi )=> FRANZISKA! You need to stop her!
[15:28] <Franziska von Karma> ...
[15:28] <Franziska von Karma> Wie zum Teufel erwartest du von mir, das zu tun?!!
[15:29] <[gTV]Red_Crow> you speak german?!
[15:29] <=( KiNG KAi )=> It's telepathy, I speak EVERYTHING!
[15:29] <Franziska von Karma> - Scheiße -
[15:30] * Franziska von Karma ducks low and runs towards Hotaru, lashing her whip around the girl's midsection, and then WHIPPING her down into the ground violently!
[15:30] [755 HP / 147 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 52 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[15:30] [337 HP / 259 MP] FireFly_9 has been HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (45 damage)
[15:31] * FireFly_9 BARELY FELT THAT
[15:31] * FireFly_9 ROARS to the Heavens, a purple aura forming around her
[15:31] <Franziska von Karma> This is not good...
[15:32] * FireFly_9 is causing the entire arena to shake
[15:32] * FireFly_9 LASHES out with her glaive, sending out a HUGE WAVE OF DEATH ENERGY AT VON KARMA
[15:32] [337 HP / 159 MP] FireFly_9 unleashes a 68 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 3]
[15:33] * Franziska von Karma looks around for a way out as the wave comes ><
[15:33] [755 HP / 150 MP] Franziska von Karma has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell 3 ] (0 damage)
[15:33] * Franziska von Karma BLASTS IT BACK WITH HER WILL
[15:33] <[gTV]Red_Crow> holy f[BLEEP]k...
[15:33] [256 HP / 161 MP] FireFly_9 has been HIT!! (x 3 Hits) (81 damage)
[15:34] * FireFly_9 TAKES THE HIT HERSELF, her clothing melting away, revealing only lacy purple swimsuit like undergarments underneath*
[15:34] *** *this one's for YOU Ian Miller
[15:36] * FireFly_9 looks like this
[15:36] <Franziska von Karma> ....
[15:37] [755 HP / 144 MP] Franziska von Karma ZWEES in and PUNCHES her in the FACE to sober her up (-6 MP)
[15:37] [196 HP / 166 MP] FireFly_9 has been HIT!! (60 damage)
[15:37] * FireFly_9 SCREAMS IN UNHOLY RAGE
[15:37] * FireFly_9 GRABS von Karma's fist in her hands
[15:37] * FireFly_9 TWISTS to BREAK the WRIST
[15:38] [196 HP / 66 MP] FireFly_9 unleashes a 45 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[15:38] [530 HP / 157 MP] Franziska von Karma has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! (x 5 Hits) [ Opponent: Attack again ] (225 damage)
[15:38] * Franziska von Karma lets out a scream as her wrist SNAPS
[15:38] * FireFly_9 's hair is growing longer...
[15:39] <=( KiNG KAi )=> Oh damn, she's going mistress 9!!1
[15:39] [196 HP / 54 MP] FireFly_9 strangles von Karma with PREHENSILE HAIR ATTACK™ (-12 MP)
[15:39] [479 HP / 158 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (51 damage)
[15:40] * Franziska von Karma is gagging, gasoing for air... one hand in red hot pain
[15:40] * Franziska von Karma thrashes for a moment... then goes deathly still...
[15:40] <[gTV]Red_Crow> oh no.. is she...
[15:40] * Franziska von Karma remembers her training... forcibly lowers her heart rate... calms her mind... centers...
[15:41] * Franziska von Karma moves past the pain...
[15:41] * Franziska von Karma uses her good hand... grabs the hair....
[15:41] [479 HP / 58 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 22 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[15:41] * Franziska von Karma FLINGS HER BACK AND FORTH BY THE HAIR
[15:41] [191 HP / 58 MP] FireFly_9 has BLOCKED the attack! (5 damage)
[15:42] *** Willow Smith Sues
[15:43] [191 HP / 55 MP] FireFly_9 tightens her hair around von karma's neck... "-YIELD-" (-3 MP)
[15:43] [463 HP / 69 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (16 damage)
[15:43] <Franziska von Karma> NE...NEVER!
[15:43] [463 HP / 72 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:44] * Franziska von Karma decides to risk building up her 'ki'....
[15:44] [191 HP / 15 MP] FireFly_9 wraps more hair around von Karma, cocooning her, choking the air out of her like a boa constructor... "YIELD!" (-40 MP)
[15:45] [458 HP / 76 MP] Franziska von Karma has BLOCKED the attack! (5 damage)
[15:45] * Franziska von Karma HOLDS FAST
[15:45] [458 HP / 109 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:46] [191 HP / -7 MP] FireFly_9 SCREAMS and tightens her grip EVEN MORE until bones start to BREAK! "YIELD!" OUT OF MANA - ATTACK FAILS! (-22 MP)
[15:46] * Franziska von Karma grins
[15:47] <Franziska von Karma> My turn, child...
[15:47] * Franziska von Karma rolls sideways, pulling Hotaru with her, then FLINGS HER OVER THE SIDE OF THE RING
[15:47] [458 HP / 9 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 18 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 2]
[15:47] [167 HP / 4 MP] FireFly_9 has been HIT!! (x 2 Hits) (24 damage)
[15:48] * FireFly_9 SLAMS against the side of the ring, but hangsds suspended off the ground
[15:48] [167 HP / 34 MP] FireFly_9 assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:48] [458 HP / 74 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:49] <=( KiNG KAi )=> both Competitots are winded..
[15:49] [167 HP / 80 MP] FireFly_9 assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:49] [458 HP / 116 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:50] [167 HP / 100 MP] FireFly_9 assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:50] * Franziska von Karma forces herself out of the hair cocoon, and grabs her whip, WHIPPING sense back into Tomoe!
[15:50] [458 HP / 16 MP] Franziska von Karma unleashes a 61 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 5]
[15:51] [17 HP / 138 MP] FireFly_9 has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (x 5 Hits) (150 damage)
[15:51] * FireFly_9 is SNAPPED back to her senses, teetering on the edge of the ring..
[15:52] <FireFly_9> Wh... wha...
[15:52] * FireFly_9 instinctively grabs her glaive... has one last shot at this
[15:52] * FireFly_9 FLINGS it, butt side first, to strike von Karma in the head
[15:52] [17 HP / 38 MP] FireFly_9 unleashes a 9 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 4]
[15:53] [458 HP / 17 MP] Franziska von Karma has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[15:53] * Franziska von Karma leans to the side coldly, on pure instinct, and grabs the glaive as it sails past her head.
[15:53] * Franziska von Karma flips it and in one fluid motion...
[15:54] [458 HP / -2 MP] Franziska von Karma SLAMS IT BACK at OUT OF MANA - ATTACK FAILS! (-19 MP)
[15:54] * Franziska von Karma drops the glaive, her WRIST ><
[15:54] * Franziska von Karma winces... gott in himmel
[15:54] * FireFly_9 pants...
[15:55] * FireFly_9 rolls away from the edge
[15:55] * FireFly_9 picks up her glaive unsteadily
[15:55] [17 HP / 9 MP] FireFly_9 goes to sweep franziska off her feet and out of the ring (-29 MP)
[15:56] [398 HP / 10 MP] Franziska von Karma has been HIT!! (60 damage)
[15:56] * Franziska von Karma clings on to the edge with one good hand, forcing herself to bend so as to not have her feet touching the ground
[15:56] [398 HP / 52 MP] Franziska von Karma assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[15:57] <FireFly_9> You're hanging on by a thread, Franziska-san...
[15:57] [17 HP / -25 MP] FireFly_9 STEPS on her fingers OUT OF MANA - ATTACK FAILS! (-34 MP)
[15:57] <FireFly_9> ><
[15:57] * FireFly_9 is too tired.. her body won't respond...
[15:58] <Franziska von Karma> So... are... you...
[15:58] * Franziska von Karma FORCES herself to FLIP upwards bodily...
[15:58] [398 HP / 33 MP] Franziska von Karma KICKS hotaru in the head (-19 MP)
[15:58] [-27 HP / -20 MP] FireFly_9 has been HIT!! (44 damage)
[15:58] FireFly_9 has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[15:58] * FireFly_9 crashes to the ground, knocked out
[15:59] * Franziska von Karma lands a few feet away from her on the ring, looking up, panting.... dazed... but victorious...
[15:59] <=( KiNG KAi )=> And prioving she's no fluke, the Ace Attorney does it again!
[16:00] <=( KiNG KAi )=> Franziska advances in one of the most brutal matches this tournament!
[16:02] <[gTV]Red_Crow> It'll be interesting to see how she does against! Can she knock out the THIRD former champ in a row? But next up, it's Gemini Sunrise versus Ten'ou Haruka!
[16:03] <=( KiNG KAi )=> for once we actually get the fight teased in our promotional materials!


Suburban Senshi: ...Er..Well...there's people here. Mostly.