Suburban Senshi Chat #1977 - “Budokai 2013: Mr. Piccolo vs. Gemini Sunrise”
#1977 “Budokai 2013: Mr. Piccolo vs. Gemini Sunrise”

Suburban Senshi: Tenka'ichi Budokai

the current system time is: Wed May 15 09:19 2013; you are connected on; message of the day follows:

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I guess no one would fear an evil despot who was incapable of forming simple sentences

welcome to #budokai

[09:20] <[gTV]Red_Crow> And the 40th Budokai continues, as Gemini Sunrise, the time-displaced cowgirl from the 20's goes up against the fighting legend, Piccolo!
[09:21] <=( KiNG KAi )=> God or Devil? Piccolo's a bit of both! The former ruler of Hell and god of Earth, he's come out of retirement, helping to train both the current Budokai champion, Franziska von Karma, as well as Gemini Sunrise after her defeat in the last tournament!
[09:21] *** @Texas_Samurai [] has joined #budokai
[09:21] *** spiritflame sets mode +o @Texas_Samurai

[09:21] <+Luna-P> y0 @Texas_Samurai
[09:22] * @Texas_Samurai comes to the ring with the theme music "I don't Want to be" by Gavin DeGraw
[09:22] ☼ Scouter indicates Texas_Samurai has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[09:22] *** BIG_Green [] has joined #budokai
[09:22] * BIG_Green comes to the ring accompanied only by the sound of the wind rustling his cape
[09:22] ☼ Scouter indicates BIG_Green has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1000!!
[09:23] * @Texas_Samurai tips her hat t' Mister Piccolo
[09:23] * BIG_Green nods back
[09:23] <spiritflame> BIG_Green rolls 1d20 [ 16 ]
[09:23] <spiritflame> @Texas_Samurai rolls 1d20 [ 5 ]
[09:23] <BIG_Green> Heh.
[09:24] <BIG_Green> I want to see how you've improved after my tutelage.
[09:24] <@Texas_Samurai> Ah's got a bit stronger~
[09:24] <BIG_Green> Then I have a challenge for you. No special attacks.
[09:25] <@Texas_Samurai> ...
[09:25] <@Texas_Samurai> Fine! :D
[09:25] <@Texas_Samurai> Lets git this dance started!
[09:26] [250 HP / 995 MP] BIG_Green ZWEES behidn Sunrise faster than the eye can see and SLAMS her square in her lower back with the flat of his palm (-5 MP)
[09:26] [234 HP / 1001 MP] Texas_Samurai has been HIT!! (16 damage)
[09:26] <@Texas_Samurai> GYAAAH!!!
[09:27] * @Texas_Samurai goes flyin' to the other side of the ring, havin' t' unsheath her sword n' use it t' grab inta th' tiles t' keep her from ringin' out.
[09:27] * @Texas_Samurai swings around usin' her sword as a pivot
[09:28] [234 HP / 979 MP] Texas_Samurai ZWEES just like Piccolo, gettin' in his face n' givin' him a huge uppercut (-22 MP)
[09:28] [247 HP / 1002 MP] BIG_Green has BLOCKED the attack! (3 damage)
[09:28] * BIG_Green gets a hand in frotn of his face in time, there's a THUNDERCLAP as he blocks
[09:28] <BIG_Green> Fast. But... NOT FAST ENOUGH!
[09:29] [247 HP / 985 MP] BIG_Green knees Sunrise in the sternum HARD (-17 MP)
[09:29] [211 HP / 988 MP] Texas_Samurai has been HIT!! (23 damage)
[09:29] * @Texas_Samurai coughs up some blood n' goes flyin' upwards
[09:29] * @Texas_Samurai is at a disadvantage not bein' able t' use her spirit power...
[09:30] * @Texas_Samurai grabs th' rope she keeps slung around her thigh
[09:30] [211 HP / 960 MP] Texas_Samurai LASHES it out at Piccolo, wrappin' it around his shoulders n' DRIVIN' him down inta th' ground (-28 MP)
[09:31] [202 HP / 1027 MP] BIG_Green has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (45 damage)
[09:31] * BIG_Green SLAMS into the tile facefirst, cratering admist an EXPLOSION of tile, sinking into the dirt
[09:31] <BIG_Green> ...better...
[09:32] [202 HP / 989 MP] BIG_Green PUSHES himself upwards with one finger like a ROCKET, flying up into the air above Gemini as she lands on her feet, descending again and linking his fists together, SMASHING her in the head (-38 MP)
[09:32] [206 HP / 968 MP] Texas_Samurai has BLOCKED the attack! (5 damage)
[09:33] * @Texas_Samurai raises her arms over her head, crossin' em and blockin' with her forearms t' th' sound of thunder, th' tiles under her splittin' an' givin' way
[09:33] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Damn, she's gotten a lot stronger indeed!
[09:34] <@Texas_Samurai> Not this time, darlin'~
[09:35] * BIG_Green pushes back and lands on his feet
[09:36] <BIG_Green> Let's see what you can do, cowgirl~
[09:37] [206 HP / 928 MP] Texas_Samurai ZWEES forward going for an uppercut, then lithely drops into a baseball slide t' knock him off his feet (-40 MP)
[09:37] [192 HP / 1001 MP] BIG_Green has been HIT!! (10 damage)
[09:37] * BIG_Green tumbles forward, extending his hands to stop his descent...
[09:37] [192 HP / 993 MP] BIG_Green ...and MULEKICKING to catch Sunrise's head as she slides forward (-8 MP)
[09:38] [206 HP / 931 MP] Texas_Samurai has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[09:38] * @Texas_Samurai rolled sideways, havin' somehow expected that
[09:38] <@Texas_Samurai> How did I...
[09:39] <BIG_Green> Your instincts are sharpening. Excellent!
[09:40] <@Texas_Samurai> Thanks~
[09:41] * @Texas_Samurai curtsies an' cracks her knuckles, drawin' her blade, but careful t' use th' blunt side
[09:41] * @Texas_Samurai raises it... an' just brings it down, as if performin' a kata...
[09:42] [206 HP / 904 MP] Texas_Samurai action which sends a HUGE wave of power surging at Piccolo (-27 MP)
[09:42] [153 HP / 1004 MP] BIG_Green has been HIT!! (39 damage)
[09:42] * BIG_Green is BLASTED back to the edge of the ring!
[09:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> HEY she used a special attack!
[09:43] * =( KiNG KAi )= adjusts his glasses
[09:43] <=( KiNG KAi )=> Nope...
[09:43] <=( KiNG KAi )=> That was just the power of her swing!
[09:43] <[gTV]Red_Crow> O_o
[09:44] * BIG_Green grins
[09:44] <BIG_Green> Very good, my student...
[09:44] <BIG_Green> BUT I CAN DO THE SAME!
[09:44] * BIG_Green just SLAMS his open palm forward into the air
[09:45] [153 HP / 992 MP] BIG_Green sends out a MASSIVE displacement of air at Gemini (-12 MP)
[09:45] * @Texas_Samurai steels herself...
[09:45] [155 HP / 963 MP] Texas_Samurai has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (51 damage)
[09:46] * @Texas_Samurai doesn't cry out, but her jacket is torn off, ripped to shreds by the blast. Her feet have gouged gulleys in the tile as she was slightly pushed back.
[09:46] * @Texas_Samurai squares her shoulders
[09:47] [155 HP / 945 MP] Texas_Samurai raises her blade, swingin' it around, then SLAMMIN' it into th' ground, sendin' a SHOCKWAVE at Piccolo! (-18 MP)
[09:47] [122 HP / 1036 MP] BIG_Green has been STUNNED and LOST A TURN! [ Opponent: Attack again ] (31 damage)
[09:48] * BIG_Green is BLOWN into the air by the force of the blast, flying upwards, momentarily knocked out
[09:48] <=( KiNG KAi )=> that's Excellent ki control!
[09:49] [155 HP / 914 MP] Texas_Samurai sheathes her sword, LEAPIN' into th' air above Piccolo, grabbin' his head between her legs, flippin' him upside down, then PILEDRIVIN' him down! (-31 MP)
[09:49] [122 HP / 1038 MP] BIG_Green has PARRIED the attack! [ Opponent: /sell ] (0 damage)
[09:50] * BIG_Green TWISTS impossibly and SLAMS her down instead!
[09:50] [103 HP / 926 MP] Texas_Samurai has been HIT!! (52 damage)
[09:50] * @Texas_Samurai is SMASHED into a crater
[09:50] <BIG_Green> Good... but NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
[09:51] * BIG_Green grabs her feet and SWINGS her around and around, HURLING her into the glass protective barrier protecting the audience
[09:51] [122 HP / 1017 MP] BIG_Green ^ (-21 MP)
[09:51] [81 HP / 982 MP] Texas_Samurai has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (22 damage)
[09:51] * @Texas_Samurai SMASHES off the barrier and bounces
[09:52] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ... Ouch...
[09:52] * @Texas_Samurai drops t' th' arena floor n' groans in pain, spittin' out a tooth...
[09:52] * @Texas_Samurai forces herself t' her feet
[09:53] * @Texas_Samurai wheezes a little
[09:54] [81 HP / 957 MP] Texas_Samurai kicks one of th' smashed tiles inta' th' air and WHIPKICKS it at Piccolo (-25 MP)
[09:54] [122 HP / 1021 MP] BIG_Green has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[09:54] * BIG_Green weaves out of the way
[09:54] <BIG_Green> Getting desperate? Let me add to your despair.
[09:54] [122 HP / 1018 MP] BIG_Green ZWEES to Gemini and punches her rapidly in the stomach (-3 MP)
[09:54] [48 HP / 1026 MP] Texas_Samurai has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (33 damage)
[09:55] <@Texas_Samurai> KYAAAAAHHH!
[09:55] * @Texas_Samurai doubles over, as if bowing before Piccolo...
[09:55] * @Texas_Samurai ...then rises up, pummelin' his midsection with all she's got!
[09:56] [48 HP / 926 MP] Texas_Samurai unleashes a 61 hit COMBO! (-100 MP) [ /sell 4]
[09:56] <BIG_Green> O_o
[09:56] [-46 HP / 1022 MP] BIG_Green has been HIT!! (x 4 Hits) (168 damage)
[09:56] BIG_Green has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[09:56] * BIG_Green is blown off his feet and knocked straight out of bounds
[09:57] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Does a combo count as a special?
[09:57] <=( KiNG KAi )=> if it did, it would be called /special :P
[09:58] * @Texas_Samurai bows t' Piccolo, and extends a hand t' help him up
[09:58] * BIG_Green takes her hand
[09:58] * @Texas_Samurai pulls him back on stage
[09:58] <BIG_Green> Heh. That was kind of a cheap shot.
[09:58] <@Texas_Samurai> Maybe ^^
[09:59] <@Texas_Samurai> But it was now or never.. Ah could feel it <_<
[09:59] * BIG_Green pats her on the shoulder.
[09:59] <BIG_Green> You pass.
[09:59] <BIG_Green> Good luck in the rest of the Budokai, kid.
[09:59] <@Texas_Samurai> Thanks!! :D
[10:00] * the Crowd cheers as Piccolo flies off into the sky
[10:00] *** BIG_Green [] has left #budokai (I liked it better when I was a Demon :/)
[10:03] <[gTV]Red_Crow> And Gemini moves up the ladder to face Ten'ou Haruka in the quarterfinals!
[10:04] <=( KiNG KAi )=> But before that, what promises to be one of the more... "interesting" matches of the Tournament...
[10:04] <[gTV]Red_Crow> If by "interesting" you mean "f[BLEEP]ked up"...
[10:06] <=( KiNG KAi )=> "Small Lady" Neo-Princess Serenity III Tsukino "Chibi-usa" Usagi versus perhaps the greatest Budokai competitor of all time-- Son Goku!
[10:06] <[gTV]Red_Crow> It'll be one for the ages! See you next time!


Suburban Senshi: Like cocaine, but better.