This is my motehrf[BLEEP]king declaration of INDEPENDENCE. VIVA LA SUBURBAN SENSHI!

...I am so, so very ashamed and sorry for all of us, in all possible senses of the word.
Just had to go and get in on a meme BEFORE IT died for once, eh, Ten'ou?
Thank god I wasn't in that foolish moshpit of foolish fools gyrating madly.
kyu-kyu-chan wanted an invitation...
STOP ACTING CUTE YOU SADISTIC FR... is that a pimp hat?
kyu-kyu-chan is incorporating...
hay bich. dis iz MAI SYDE OV DA STREAT!!!1
This will either be hilarious or hilaribad. Also, that picture makes me want to make a slash.
NO. No. Do that and I will gut you personally.
civil discourse, everyone :/