Suburban Senshi Chat #1902 - “Budokai 2k12: Round 20 - Tsukino Chibiusa vs. Doctor Xadium”
#1902 “Budokai 2k12: Round 20 - Tsukino Chibiusa vs. Doctor Xadium”

Suburban Senshi: Tenka'ichi Budokai

[12:29] *** @Doctor Xadium [dasequis@datanode1.ttc780fff8.sen] has joined #budokai
[12:29] *** spiritflame sets mode +o @Doctor Xadium

[12:29] <+Luna-P> y0 @Doctor Xadium *** Happy Birthday, Takeuchi Naoko-sensei!!
[12:29] *** .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [] has joined #budokai
[12:29] ☼ Scouter indicates Doctor Xadium has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1001!!
[12:29] ☼ Scouter indicates .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has HP and MP levels of 250 / 1001!!
[12:30] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Well both Xadium and Chibiusa Tsukino have enterred the ring for this, the 20th match of the 39th Budokai
[12:30] <[gTV]Sailor Aluminum Siren> Ara, what's Xadium-san wearing, is that a garbage bag?
[12:31] <[gTV]Red_Crow> it looks like he's covering his whole body to prevent the Spore from doing untoward things to him during the match!
[12:33] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> ...
[12:33] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> FAK IT.
[12:33] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. sats dewn on da rang
[12:33] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> What's wrong, Chibiusa
[12:33] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> /mi pats on blak rubbar govz
[12:34] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> i'm tyard ov ppl loking dewn on mi
[12:34] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> sayang im a cheeep fitar howe onli knows 2 fite with har bodi
[12:34] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> - im gong 2 shew u all -
[12:33] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. ponts at zaydum
[12:33] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> - u will b mai exampel -
[12:34] <[gTV]Red_Crow> hey what happened to our closed cpationing of her?
[12:34] <[gTV]Sailor Aluminum Siren> I think thetranslator quit
[12:34] *** Dr. Hooey [] has joined #budokai
[12:34] <Dr. Hooey> Do not to be worried!
[12:34] <[gTV]Red_Crow> - Who the hell is that -
[12:36] <Dr. Hooey> Who is Dockter hooey?!
[12:36] <Dr. Hooey> Dockter Hooey is GOOD! HAHA HA
[12:36] <Dr. Hooey> I am to being your Chibiusa speaking understanderbulator today!
[12:37] <Dr. Hooey> I will be dubbings her voice!
[12:37] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> Oh by Rassilon.
[12:37] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ...
[12:37] * [gTV]Red_Crow just moves aside to let him sit at the announcer table
[12:37] <Dr. Hooey> :D :D:D
[12:38] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [Ahems! As I was to be sayings! I am going to making of you my example!]
[12:38] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> ..Let's just get this over with.
[12:38] <spiritflame> @Doctor Xadium rolls 1d20 [ 17 ]
[12:38] <spiritflame> .'~SugaBB_2999~'. rolls 1d20 [ 2 ]
[12:38] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [F[BLEEP]klings that is a s[BLEEP]tted roll!]
[12:38] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> ...
[12:39] [250 HP / 964 MP] Doctor Xadium kicks chibiusa in the head in the hopes it will stop her talking (-37 MP)
[12:39] [200 HP / 1014 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has been HIT!! (50 damage)
[12:39] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [F[BLEEP]kling s[BLEEP]tter! You are pissing on my offal!]
[12:40] [200 HP / 514 MP] SPECIAL ATK: .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [takings a taser and roasting xadium in the famililal jewels with 10'000 voltings] (-500 MP)
[12:41] [250 HP / 967 MP ] Doctor Xadium has DODGED a special attack! (0 damage)
[12:41] * @Doctor Xadium leaps over chibiusa's head, which is sadly just the quivalent of slightly hopping.
[12:42] [250 HP / 933 MP] Doctor Xadium kicks her in the butt trying to knock her out of the ring (-34 MP)
[12:42] [199 HP / 523 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has BLOCKED the attack! (1 damage)
[12:42] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [my ASSETS are too FIRM to be kicking in tootsie pop!]
[12:43] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. 's bottom is firm and strong and absorbs the kickings
[12:44] [199 HP / 23 MP] SPECIAL ATK: .'~SugaBB_2999~'. is whipping out the silver crystal and is making Xadium cry like little b[BLEEP]ch and fleeing (-500 MP)
[12:44] [250 HP / 934 MP ] Doctor Xadium has DODGED a special attack! (0 damage)
[12:44] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> I'm nine hundred years too old for that trick to work on me!
[12:45] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> Oh that's it.
[12:45] * @Doctor Xadium produces a golf club, charging it with ki.
[12:46] [250 HP / 434 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Doctor Xadium spins the club around a few times like a blade, then SWINGS AND SLAMS CHIBIUSA LIKE A LITTLE PINK GOLFBALL OUT OF THE ARENA (-500 MP)
[12:46] [181 HP / 29 MP ] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has BLOCKED a special attack! (18 damage)
[12:47] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [is using her little arm and BLOCKS the shot, explodering the club into fragments of metals]
[12:47] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> :O
[12:48] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [you stupidest wiping of ass, I am being physically super strong due to soldier sailor trainings and plenty of intimate physical exercise!]
[12:48] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> Oh god bad mental image
[12:48] [181 HP / 90 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[12:49] [250 HP / 448 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[12:49] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Ooh, it looks like the strategy here is clear! X is powering up for another super move!
[12:50] <[gTV]Sailor Aluminum Siren> But what will Chibiusa do!?
[13:12] [181 HP / 90 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [runnings up to xadium and PUNCHINGS him straight in the knee with bone-shatteringly forcefulness!] (-0 MP)
[13:12] [245 HP / 458 MP] Doctor Xadium has BLOCKED the attack! (5 damage)
[13:14] * @Doctor Xadium TAKES the hit, his knee like stone wall thanks to the Iron Soul technique "Tekkai" (Iron Mass)
[13:15] <@Dоcтоʀ Xוυ> Sorry, Small Lady... but your time is running out.
[13:15] [245 HP / 491 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:15] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [I WILL BREAK YOU]
[13:15] [181 HP / 57 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [KICKINGS UP HARD TO HIS BALLS] (-33 MP)
[13:15] [241 HP / 501 MP] Doctor Xadium has BLOCKED the attack! (4 damage)
[13:16] * @Doctor Xadium has a titanium cup on. Living in Ten'ou House for 10 years has taught him that much.
[13:16] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [F[BLEEP]KLINGS!]
[13:17] * @Doctor Xadium concentrates... remembering his teacher's training...
[13:17] * @Doctor Xadium brings his hands down to his side...
[13:17] [241 HP / 1 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Doctor Xadium KA... ME... HA... ME.... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (-500 MP)
[13:17] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Xadium's putting all he has into the attack!
[13:18] * @Doctor Xadium sends out a bright, roiling mass of raw power at Chibiusa
[13:18] [162 HP / 64 MP ] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has BLOCKED a special attack! (19 damage)
[13:18] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. WHAMS the attack aside with her forearm contemptuously, sending it careening off into space where it forms a bright line before fading out
[13:19] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> - [do not be forgetting i am the QUEEN of the FUTURE, B[BLEEP]chknickers] -
[13:20] [162 HP / 35 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [advancings on Xadium, then LEAPS onto his face BITING his nose] (-29 MP)
[13:20] [205 HP / 56 MP] Doctor Xadium has taken a CRITICAL HIT!! (36 damage)
[13:20] * @Doctor Xadium drops to the ground, clawing at the spore trying to get it off
[13:20] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. gets off <_< ♡
[13:21] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Oh... oh god ><
[13:21] * @Texas_Samurai ,somewhere, throws her boot at the TV ><
[13:22] [205 HP / 17 MP] Doctor Xadium stands up with the Spore still clinging to his face and HEADBUTTS THE RETAINING WALL (-39 MP)
[13:22] * the retaining wall just collapses
[13:23] [162 HP / 40 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[13:23] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [hops off his ugly face]
[13:24] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> [HEY I WAS NOT SAYING UGLY]
[13:24] <Dr. Hooey> I was just adding the colorful commentaries!
[13:24] [162 HP / 67 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:24] [205 HP / 61 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:25] <[gTV]Sailor Aluminum Siren> Both fighters are pretty worn out! It looks like this might come down to a war of attrition!
[13:25] [162 HP / 45 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [goings for to biting off his ear] (-22 MP)
[13:26] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Oh damn, she pulled a Mike Tyson!
[13:26] [157 HP / 66 MP] Doctor Xadium has been HIT!! (48 damage)
[13:26] * @Doctor Xadium SCREAMS and pulls her off
[13:27] [157 HP / 28 MP] Doctor Xadium leaps up and punts chibiusa as far as she can off the ring while trying to come up with a strategy (-38 MP)
[13:28] [132 HP / 46 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has been HIT!! (30 damage)
[13:28] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. goes flying across the ring,skidding to a halt before the edge
[13:29] [132 HP / 40 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. finds the ordinary Luna-P toy and TURNS it into a Korena Knockoff Big Ass Key and HITS Xadium with it (-6 MP)
[13:29] [157 HP / 31 MP] Doctor Xadium has DODGED the attack! (0 damage)
[13:30] * @Doctor Xadium easily sidesteps as the large key just drags Chibiusa forward comically with it.
[13:30] [157 HP / 46 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:30] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> :/
[13:30] [132 HP / 51 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:30] [157 HP / 50 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:31] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. YELLS , hunkering down, arms to her side
[13:31] [132 HP / 89 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:31] * @Doctor Xadium does the same, a faint ki aura forming around him
[13:31] [157 HP / 104 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:32] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Oh man, it looks like they've given up trying for fisticuffs and are just powring up for one last blast!
[13:32] [132 HP / 105 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:32] [157 HP / 164 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:32] <[gTV]Sailor Aluminum Siren> but who will get there first?!
[13:33] * The yelling gets louder, and their ki auras begin to flare as the tiles of the rena crack under them, their bodies sinking into the ring as gulleys form around them
[13:33] [132 HP / 160 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:33] [157 HP / 202 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:33] [132 HP / 168 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:33] [157 HP / 222 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:33] [132 HP / 204 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:33] [157 HP / 276 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:33] [132 HP / 238 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:33] [157 HP / 296 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:34] [132 HP / 286 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:34] <[gTV]Red_Crow> god it sounds like a meeting of the constipated warriors society out there!
[13:34] [157 HP / 364 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:34] [132 HP / 309 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [157 HP / 366 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [132 HP / 324 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [157 HP / 390 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [132 HP / 327 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [157 HP / 432 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [132 HP / 349 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [157 HP / 484 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [132 HP / 384 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:35] [157 HP / 514 MP] Doctor Xadium assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:36] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Xadium's already charged up! But Chibiusa's lagginf far behind!
[13:36] [132 HP / 430 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. assumes a defensive stance and awaits your next move. (0 damage)
[13:36] <[gTV]Sailor Aluminum Siren> this could make all the difference!
[13:37] [157 HP / 14 MP] SPECIAL ATK: Doctor Xadium grabs the fake Big Ass Key from Chibiusa and SMASHES her in the side of the head with it (-500 MP)
[13:37] [-30 HP/ 440 MP] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has been HIT by a SPECIAL ATTACK!! (162 damage)
[13:37] .'~SugaBB_2999~'. has BEEN DEFEATED!!!
[13:37] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [IS KNOCKING THE F[BLEEP]KEd OUT]
[13:37] * .'~SugaBB_2999~'. loses a tooth and lets out a low slow-motion "noooooooooooooooooooooo" as she goes flying out of the ring
[13:37] *** .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [] has quit IRC (fak sk00l wat dad sk00l evar dew 4 mi)
[13:38] * @Doctor Xadium collapses to the ground, on both knees, holding the Big Ass KEy, which turns back into a Luna-P that deflates.
[13:39] <[gTV]Red_Crow> That was a hard-fought win! But it only gets tougher from here, folks!
[13:39] <[gTV]Sailor Aluminum Siren> next up it's Jedite versus Arx Sylvanran, two titanic powerhouses, one of the old school and one of the new!

Current Standings:


Tags: Budokai

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