Doctor Xadium
finds it harder to forgive than he truly knows it should be ago via iPhoneCommentLike
Jay Daito Why should you forgive anything? You got f[BLEEP]ked over hardcore. Some wounds don't heal because they're legitimately too deep to do so ago
Doctor Xadium It's not forgiving the wound so much as the inflictor ago
Gemini Sunrise Th' thing t'remember is this-- y'all don't truly know anybody else's story. Everybody's fightin' a tough, crazy battle'n their own lives totally unknown t'ya. Th' people whut do ya harm are jus' th' tip of a crazy, messed-up iceberg of troubles that happened t' crash yer way ago
Tomoe Hotaru That outlook totally removes agency from the one doing the harm, though, Sunrise-san. ago
Gemini Sunrise No it don't-- alls Ah'm tryin' t'say is y'don't know th' true story behind th' hurt. Sometimes, all right, it's pure malice. But sometimes it ain't. And if y'aint sure which it is, n'you wanna fergive, why not err on th' side of givin' th' benefit of th' doubt? ago
Jay Daito Because you're not a Pollyanna-esque sucker? ago
Doctor Xadium It's not that I don't want to forgive-- I already decided to long ago... But why am I still angry? ago
Jay Daito Because forgiveness doesn't cure a stab wound to the heart? ago
Doctor Xadium But it's been ages this is retarded ago
Gemini Sunrise Focus on th' good stuff in yer life, th' bad stuff won't seem so bad after. ago
Artemis D. Cat What do you do when your life is just an epic fail :( ago
Jay Daito You fulfill your destiny by becoming a tasty, well-prepared meal at my table, knowing that in the end you were at least able to serve on glorious, successful purpose--sating my hunger for meat. ago
Furuhata Motoki You can't have his meat! ago
Aino Minako In before jokes about motoki-san wanting Artemis' meat ago
Tomoe Hotaru GROSS! ago