Suburban Senshi Chat #1721 - “Diss the Prequels all you want, Annie was HARDCORE”
#1721 “Diss the Prequels all you want, Annie was HARDCORE”
[01:09] <@SpeedRcrX> Okay I just have to share this
[01:09] <@SpeedRcrX> this is so damn hilarious, I'm still laughing and it's been 5 minutes
[01:10] <// J_Daito //> Kind of like what Kaioh does after you two "have fun", right?
[01:10] *** @SpeedRcrX has kicked // J_Daito // from #suburbansenshi REASON: ( f[BLEEP]k you GTFO my channel) [01:10] <Reverend_H> LOL you got SERVED yo
[01:10] <Reverend_H> So lay it on me yo
[01:10] <@SpeedRcrX> Check it
[01:11] * @SpeedRcrX is away: God so damn true too