Suburban Senshi Chat #1661 - “The Revenge of the Halloween Costume Hall of Horrors”

“The Revenge of the Halloween Costume Hall of Horrors”

Suburban Senshi IRC Chat

[07:19] <@SpeedRcrX> But you can't stick it in there without getting it broken
[07:19] <Reverend_H> tell me about it, yo
[07:19] <@SpeedRcrX> But anyway yeah, this is why I think Digg is full of s[BLEEP]t:

[07:20] <Reverend_H> lol
[07:20] <Reverend_H> (ignore the oil and s[BLEEP]t suffocating animals under the damn sea, yo)
[07:21] <@SpeedRcrX> Yeah

[07:41] <flame_SNIPER> So it's time for thre next installment of "what's everyone wearing for halloween?"
[07:42] <flame_SNIPER> First up, Mako-chan:

[07:42] <flame_SNIPER> I guess she's going for some kind of fresh fruit look or something I dunno
[07:43] <flame_SNIPER> But it's not her "talent" that's sticking out this time
[07:43] <flame_SNIPER> then there's Elios

[07:44] <flame_SNIPER> ...Guy couldn't be more whitebread if he tried
[07:44] <flame_SNIPER> And then X-san and Minako-chan:

[07:44] <flame_SNIPER> what is this i don't even
[07:45] <flame_SNIPER> So glad I'm not doing a costume this year
[07:45] <flame_SNIPER> More tomorrow!

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