Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1632 - “YouTuesday: OMG WE GONNA FIND YOU A DOUBLE RAINBOW edition”
[22:04] <IrnChef_Jovian> Welcome to Youtuesday, where I bring you all the awesome youtube videos the Suburban Senshi have seen over the last week!
[22:04] <// J_Daito //> Wow we're just struggling for content aren't we :P
[22:05] <IrnChef_Jovian> Want me to call Rei-chan to set you on fire :P
[22:05] <// J_Daito //> Just show me some of your "talent" and I'll be on fire~ :3
[22:05] <IrnChef_Jovian> When I'm done I'm logging off and punching you in the face :P
[22:05] <// J_Daito //> Yow~ :D
[22:06] <IrnChef_Jovian> ... Ya I'm going to aim a bit lower.
[22:07] <IrnChef_Jovian> First off, from Haruka-san, is this awesome music video directed by Versus and Godzilla: Final Wars director Ryuhie Kitamura, for Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit".
[22:08] <// J_Daito //> I'm sorry
[22:08] <// J_Daito //> but all I can hear are the wierd al lyrtics to that song.
[22:09] <// J_Daito //> Someone needs to mash this up right now.
[22:09] <IrnChef_Jovian> Someone needs to mash YOU up
[22:09] <@SpeedRcrX> (I'd just like to thank Sailor Q for pointing this one out to me)
[22:10] <@SpeedRcrX> I also go this cool one from Mike D, which is for wrestling fans everywhere:
[22:12] <IrnChef_Jovian> Next, a few cool songs for you:
[22:12] <@SpeedRcrX> ... the hell was that guy on
[22:15] <// J_Daito //> Whatever it is, I need to sell it.
[22:16] <Reverend_H> Here's a hip-hop happening beat, yo
[22:18] <flame_SNIPER> This one here is a really awesome piece of work, especially if you know that each frame was hand-made on a piece of paper.
[22:18] <Mdm_Maestro> Some people just have too much time on their hands
[22:18] <flame_SNIPER> You know I hate when people say that.
[22:18] <flame_SNIPER> It just totally insults the awesome creation.
[22:20] <[gTV]Red_Crow> We got this one across the news desk
[22:20] <Reverend_H> I totally worship this dude, yo
[22:20] <@SpeedRcrX> WE GONNA FIND YOU
[22:20] <@SpeedRcrX> WE GOONA FIIIND YOU ♫
[22:21] <@SpeedRcrX> This one was just plain f[BLEEP]king awesome for the concept:
[22:22] <@SpeedRcrX> Man they're not your heroes you just like them because they are animals and you want to do things to them
[22:22] <IrnChef_Jovian> ><
[22:22] *** .'~SugaBB_2999~'. [] has joined #suburbansenshi
[22:22] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> all ur vadoes sak
[22:22] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> i gat da brest vido evar
[22:23] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> eat dis biches
[22:23] <@SpeedRcrX> AHH OH GOD MY EYES
[22:25] <IrnChef_Jovian> Ya that's it for this week
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