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“What evil lurks in the basement? ” ![]() [14:10] *** Mon May 03 2010 - LOGGING START *** [14:27] *** Topic is - Disturbia - [14:27] *** Set by FireFly_9 on Mon May 03 14:27 2010 [14:27] <[gTV]Sailor Lead Crow> One thing I've noticed sinece I've come here, that pisses me off, is that you all are in holding patterns. [14:27] <// J_Daito //> What about you, miss 9-to-5 Aino Minako's wage slave? [14:28] <[gTV]Sailor Lead Crow> I like my job. [14:28] <[gTV]Sailor Lead Crow> I've gotten to where I want to be. [14:28] <[gTV]Sailor Lead Crow> Journalism, the mad rush of the deadline, producing new and exciting content on a daily basis. Coffee by the truckload. [14:29] <[gTV]Sailor Lead Crow> I make more money than god, I live in Mori tower and I can still kick ass when required. [14:29] <// J_Daito //> But there's no Mr. Crow :P [14:29] <[gTV]Sailor Lead Crow> HAH [14:29] * [gTV]Sailor Lead Crow is now known as Red_Crow [14:29] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I can get dates if I want 'em. [14:30] <[gTV]Red_Crow> But with my track record they end up dying or being evil or something. [14:30] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Besides, I don't have time to look after a man. [14:30] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I'm happy with my place in the world, anf I've got years to make a hookup if I want to. [14:31] <// J_Daito //> So why are you lecturing me? [14:31] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Because you cause me physical pain with your useless behavior. [14:31] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Living in a s[BLEEP]tty hole under a basement. [14:32] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Doing nothing all day but planning some kind of ridiculous scheme to revive a kingdom. [14:32] <// J_Daito //> I have power. I could kill everyone on Earth if I wanted to. [14:33] <// J_Daito //> I know where things Lie. I know the Words and the Means to make the most heinous powers Arise. [14:33] <[gTV]Red_Crow> So why don't you? [14:33] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Why don't you unleash Hell? [14:33] <// J_Daito //> Because... [14:33] * // J_Daito // looks around to see if anyone else is around. [14:34] <// J_Daito //> Because I don't want to. [14:34] <// J_Daito //> In a way, the power to destroy a thing is the power to control that thing, and it gives me pleasure to know what I could do, if I so chose. [14:34] <[gTV]Red_Crow> But no one knows of this. [14:35] <// J_Daito //> No one needs to know. [14:35] <// J_Daito //> I'm not one of those idiots who goes around broadcasting all my skills and abilities. People think of me a certain way because that is the image I present to them. [14:35] <// J_Daito //> The master of disguise who wastes his time chasing energy. [14:36] <// J_Daito //> Maybe brainwashes some teenagers. [14:36] <// J_Daito //> Ran over by a Plane. [14:36] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Are you saying you deliberately let them run you over? [14:36] <// J_Daito //> No. [14:36] <// J_Daito //> I underestimated the Senshi and they made me pay for it. [14:37] <// J_Daito //> I admit, I have an Ego. I like it when others cower before me. [14:37] <// J_Daito //> There are some whom I would gladly crush under my heel for nothing more than the sheer joy of hearing their cries for mercy. [14:38] <// J_Daito //> But I have better things to do all day than be a moving target for everyone who wants to be the next World-Saving hero. [14:40] <// J_Daito //> I am constantly disrespected by know-it-alls who think they're better than me because they're flashier with their powers or their doings. [14:40] * [gTV]Red_Crow listens. [14:40] <// J_Daito //> But what makes you think I don't have designs far greater than raising a Kingdom from the ashes? [14:41] <// J_Daito //> Just because I don't *tell* anyone anything doesn't mean I don't *do* anything. [14:41] * // J_Daito // tosses Karasuma a sheaf of papers. [14:41] * [gTV]Red_Crow looks. [14:41] <[gTV]Red_Crow> This is a policy directive from the International Monetary Fund. [14:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> These are their terms for Greece, on what they need to do to manage their debt. [14:42] <// J_Daito //> Exactly. [14:42] * [gTV]Red_Crow looks to Jedite, eyes narrowing a little. [14:43] <// J_Daito //> Systematic graft and corruption at the highest levels of Greek government led to waste and overspending. [14:43] <[gTV]Red_Crow> And..? [14:43] <// J_Daito //> All that graft and corruption might feel home-grown, but it wasn't. [14:43] <// J_Daito //> Greed is so easy to manipulate. [14:44] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ... [14:44] <// J_Daito //> The bulk of Greek Wealth now rests Elsewhere. [14:44] <// J_Daito //> an elsewhere that I have access to. [14:44] <// J_Daito //> I've already converted it all to Yuan, of course. [14:44] <[gTV]Red_Crow> You're serious, aren't you? [14:45] <// J_Daito //> Why destroy the world with hell and fire? [14:45] <// J_Daito //> That removes everything convenient about it. [14:45] <// J_Daito //> I like my internet, my reality TV and my fast foods. [14:46] <// J_Daito //> Summoning the Old Ones just gets rid of those nice things. [14:46] <// J_Daito //> Better to take control in the back alleys of power, slowly. [14:46] <// J_Daito //> Through vice, and corruption. [14:46] <[gTV]Red_Crow> ... [14:47] *** // J_Daito // [Jed@dialup666.darkkingdom.co.jp] has left #suburbansenshi2 (Everyone looks for the evil mastermind in the tower, or the mansion, or the army base. No one ever expects the lone man in his sub-basement.) [14:46] *** Mon May 03 2010 - LOGGING STOP *** |
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