Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1569 - “New Website: MISS DREAM! ”

[09:59] *** Sun Nov 01 2009 - LOGGING START ***
[09:59] *** Topic is - This is an AWESOME IDEA -
[09:59] *** Set by @Sakura Xadium Aino on Sun Nov 01 09:59 2009

[10:00] <@Dr. Xadium> I got this email a while back but it escaped my notice:
[10:00] <@Dr. Xadium>:
I have opened a new website called Miss Dream ( Miss Dream is a project that I have been working on for some time, and it is dedicated to translating materials from the entire spectrum of the Sailormoon series. We currently have 8 staff members, half of which are translators who hold Bachelors degrees in Japanese from the State University of New York at Albany, the other half of which are Photoshop and other graphical programming whiz kids. The scope of the Miss Dream project is large, as we intend to translate as much Sailormoon material as people request. However, since the project is new, not many people know about it yet, and thus translation requests are few. I would like to ask your help in promoting this project.

[10:01] <@Dr. Xadium> I had envisioned something like this as the future of the [THE HAPPY PLACE] project or of Wikimoon, but things didn't quite flow in that direction, so I wholeheartedly support this endeavour!
[10:02] * FireFly_9 remembers that time she turned into Miss Dream and Jedite kissed her ><
[10:02] <// J_Daito //> Tasty :3
[10:02] <FireFly_9> I'll punch you again
[10:03] <@SpeedRcrX> Someone needs to f[BLEEP]king retranslate the Sailor V manga the original scanslators did a s[BLEEP]t job
[10:03] *** @Dr_Xadium has kicked @SpeedRcrX from #suburbansenshi REASON: (DIE)
[10:03] <FireFly_9> ...
[10:03] <FireFly_9> Wait did I miss something
[10:04] * @Dr. Xadium is away: NO.
[10:04] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> ^_~
[10:04] *** Sun Nov 01 2009 - LOGGING STOP ***

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