Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1552 - “Hotaru Plays Persona 4 days 3, 4, 5”
IRC Chat #1552

“Hotaru Plays Persona 4 days 3, 4, 5”

[21:46] *** Sat Sep 19 2009 - LOGGING START ***
[21:46] *** Topic is - LOL -
[21:46] *** Set by @SpeedRcrX on Sat Sep 19 21:46 2009

[21:46] <FireFly_9> Two things of note this day:
[21:46] <FireFly_9> 1 - I am not too fat to get sucked into the television.
[21:47] <FireFly_9> 2- There is no way in HELL that thing is a bear. It must be a daemonic trickster.
[21:47] *** Sat Sep 19 2009 - LOGGING STOP ***

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