IRC Chat #1515
“Move up to a better class of font hinting”
[10:34] *** Sat Jun 13 2009 - LOGGING START ***
[10:34] *** Topic is - GODDAMN KAIJU - [10:34] *** Set by @SpeedRcrX on Sat Jun 13 10:34 2009 [10:35] <// J_Daito //> So you can defeat hyperpowered Galactic-class Sailor Senshi and the primal forces of an adorable fuzzy bunny but one giant lizard steps on a wire and you're basically fucked. [10:35] <FireFly_9> Swearfilter is broken. [10:36] <@SpeedRcrX> Giant *radioactive* lizard and OOH [10:36] <@spiritflame> haruka mind your language or i will smite you [10:36] <@SpeedRcrX> ... HEY [10:36] <@SpeedRcrX> hey I can be non-profane >< [10:37] <@SpeedRcrX> I don't need to swear every f [10:37] *** @spiritflame has kicked @SpeedRcrX from #suburbansenshi REASON: (:/) [10:37] <FireFly_9> Good grief. [10:37] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> Hey hey I found something cool!! [10:37] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> A way to make Windows render fonts more like OS X!! [10:38] <// J_Daito //> Huh [10:39] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> A simple program to make your fonts bigger and thicker~ [10:39] <// J_Daito //> .. Typographical viagra? [10:40] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> Some people think Vista's font rendering is better but I like the pront-like richness of how OSX does it~ [10:40] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> ^print [10:40] <// J_Daito //> LOL "pront" the pr0n joke just writes itself. [10:41] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> If you don't be quiet, Jedite-san, I'll punish you. [10:41] <// J_Daito //> Ooh, maybe I should get louder :d [10:41] <[gTV]Aya-chan!> :/ [10:41] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I'd be careful, Jed. [10:42] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I might wear my temper on my sleeve but when Aya detonates death is usually quick and painful. [10:42] <// J_Daito //> I could stand a quick death from Mermaid-no-Senshi~ [10:42] *** [gTV]Aya-chan! [bluebell@upperdeck.ginga.tv] has quit IRC (:/) [10:43] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Uh-oh [10:43] *** // J_Daito // [Jed@dialup666.darkkingdom.co.jp] has quit IRC (Broken Pipe) [10:43] <[gTV]Red_Crow> I did warn him [10:43] *** Sat Jun 13 2009 - LOGGING STOP *** |