Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1469 - “WARNING: Only attempt this under strict, untrained, scantily-clad medical supervision”
IRC Chat #1469

“WARNING: Only attempt this under strict, untrained, scantily-clad medical supervision”

[15:14] *** Sat Jan 10 2009 - LOGGING START ***
[15:14] *** Topic is - HUNGRY YET!! -
[15:14] *** Set by @SpeedRcrX on Sat Jan 10 15:14 2009

[15:14] <@SpeedRcrX> HOLY S[BLEEP]T I must go there
[15:15] <Reverend_H> For the hot women or the awesome food yo
[15:15] <@SpeedRcrX> Both; so that when Michi gets pissed at me for ogling the hot redhead's chest I can down the Quadruple Bypass and die a happy woman
[15:15] *** Sat Jan 10 2009 - LOGGING STOP ***

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