Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1455 - “Training with Master Bruce”
IRC Chat #1455

“Training with Master Bruce”

Tags: Bruce Lee, nunchucku, youtube, comic, haruka_lies

[06:02] *** Tue Dec 02 2008 - LOGGING START ***
[06:02] *** Topic is - beat this chuck norris -
[06:02] *** Set by @spiritflame on Tue Dec 02 06:02 2008

[06:02] <@SpeedRcrX> Dude I just found the most awesome thing
[06:02] <Reverend_H> what, yo
[06:03] <@SpeedRcrX> Secret Bruce Lee training vidoes! Nokia found them in a secret archive and are using them to promote their latest phone.
[06:03] <@SpeedRcrX> Check it:
[06:04] <@SpeedRcrX> Bruce lighting matchsticks with nunchucku

[06:05] <Reverend_H> ... holy f[BLEEP]k, yo
[06:05] <@SpeedRcrX> No man check this s[BLEEP]t out
[06:06] <@SpeedRcrX> Bruce pwning at table tennis with nunchucku
[06:07] <Reverend_H> These are awesome as S[BLEEP]T, yo
[06:08] <Reverend_H> but I wuz hoping these was videos dat would teach you to BE Bruce lee, yo
[06:08] <@SpeedRcrX> Man
[06:08] <@SpeedRcrX> Do not focus on the finger pointing the way to the moon
[06:09] <@SpeedRcrX> or you will miss all the heavenly glory
[06:09] <Reverend_H> ...
[06:09] <Reverend_H> deep, yo
[06:09] <@SpeedRcrX> Yeah
[06:09] <@SpeedRcrX> I just made that up
[06:09] <Reverend_H> daaaaamn

[06:11] *** Tue Dec 02 2008 - LOGGING STOP ***

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