Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1441 - “Caption Contest: Fill in the Blanks”
IRC Chat #1441

“Caption Contest: Fill in the Blanks”

Tags: wtf, contest, ambiguouslygayduos

[09:50] *** Thu Nov 06 2008 - LOGGING START ***
[09:50] *** Topic is - It's that time of year again! -
[09:50] *** Set by @Dr. Xadium on Thu Nov 06 09:50 2008

[09:51] <Mdm_Maestro> In "celebration" of Jedite's successful bid to conquer America, I thought it would be amusing to hold a little caption contest.
[09:52] <Mdm_Maestro> Use the image editor of your choice to fill in the speech bubbles in this picture to the best of your abilities and send them to contests @, the results will be displayed here for all to see.

[09:53] <Mdm_Maestro> My thanks to YingGirl for finding this picture.
[09:53] <Reverend_H> LOL yo that looks like 'Ruka in Nephlite's arms
[09:53] <Reverend_H> I gots a pic for the contest too
[09:53] <Mdm_Maestro> This is *my* contest, dear.
[09:54] <Reverend_H> Not anymore yo, take a look yo:

[09:54] <Mdm_Maestro> ... What are they doing
[09:54] <Mdm_Maestro> Why is Robin on Batman's head?
[09:54] <Reverend_H> Why is Robin on Batman's head... damn that's an ecchi question, yo.
[09:54] <Mdm_Maestro ...
[09:56] * Mdm_Maestro goes to vomit
[09:56] *** Thu Nov 06 2008 - LOGGING STOP ***

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