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Happy Daze are Here Again [08:12] *** Thu Sep 11 2008 - LOGGING START *** [08:12] *** Topic is - Another happy day!! - [08:12] *** Set by [gTV]C'est_la_V on Thu Sep 11 08:12 2008 [08:12] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> ♡ 4 years, 3 hours, 47 minutes~ ♡ [08:12] * [gTV]C'est_la_V sighs happily ♡ [08:13] <FireFly_9> My god are you still keeping track of the instants since your wedding [08:13] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> ♡ Hai~ ♡ ♡ [08:13] <FireFly_9> Well at least you aren't being as obnoxious about the "love-love" as you used to be years ago [08:14] * [gTV]C'est_la_V shrugs, she doesnt' want to rub other people's faces in it [08:14] <// J_Daito //> There's only one person's face you want "rubbed in it" amirite [08:14] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Baka!! Dry up and die!! [08:15] <FireFly_9> Ugh. And here I was going to make the observation that things had become less like a drunken fraternity party around here in the last year or so. [08:16] <// J_Daito //> Not to sound like that Calculator no Senshi Mizuno, but the propportion of juvenile fratboy antics is directly proportional to the amount of time Ten'ou spends hanging around. [08:16] <FireFly_9> This is very true. [08:17] <// J_Daito //> Since she's busy on her "exile" to Canada with Kaioh (read: "I get to drink all the Canadian Beer I want and ogle the breastfeeding parents in Ontario") she has less time to lower the collective IQ here. [18:41] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Ooh!! I found a picture of me from the wedding day!! [18:41] <Reverend_H> Is it from the honeymoon [18:41] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> No :P [18:42] <Reverend_H> Hot, yo [18:43] * [gTV]C'est_la_V can't believe that picture was lost for 4 years. [18:43] * [gTV]C'est_la_V can't BELIEVE it's been four years ♡ [18:43] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Time seems to die so quickly!! [18:43] <FireFly_9> "Fly". [18:49] <@Dr. Xadium> I'll tell you what kills time. [18:49] <@Dr. Xadium> Web design [18:49] <@Dr. Xadium> This image which Shaldra Darkness found is my EXACT Web Development cycle [18:50] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> X-CHAN!!! [18:50] * [gTV]C'est_la_V tackles you and covers you with anniversary kisses!! [18:50] <@Dr. Xadium> ♡ [18:54] <@spiritflame> keep it out of channel plz [18:55] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> :P [18:55] <@Dr. Xadium> :P [18:55] * @spiritflame brandishes the banhammer [18:55] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Fine! Moh!!
[19:13] <Reverend_H> Happy anniversary yo [19:14] <@Dr. Xadium> What does that have to do with anything :P [19:14] *** Reverend_H [beastmastah@stable.abattoir.co.jp] has left #suburbansenshi (YA'LL JUST BEEN BARACK ROLLED YO) [19:19] <@Dr. Xadium> Here's to four more years of insanity? [19:19] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Hai!!! ♡ [19:20] <Mdm_Maestro> AND MAYBE PICTURES OF PEOPLE OTHER THAN AINO MINAKO!!! [19:20] *** Mdm_Maestro [SeaGoddess@cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC (DAMN IT!) [19:20] *** Thu Sep 11 2008 - LOGGING STOP *** |