1388 Preview: Dragonball LIVE 2009
 | |  | Fri Aug 01 09:22 2008 - Logging Started (suburbansenshi-chat) |
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| | | | | [09:22] <SpeedRcrX>
Wow it's August already
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| | | | | [09:22] <SpeedRcrX>
Soon we will have been together here for 6 years
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| | | | | [09:22] <Mdm_Maestro>
I can't tell if I should be pleased or not
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| | | | | [09:22] <SpeedRcrX>
You know you love it
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| | | | | [09:23] <SpeedRcrX>
Anyway, to kick off a month-long anniversary special, today it's the long awaited Dragonball movie preview!
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| | | | | [09:23] <Mdm_Maestro>
Who's been waiting for it? Certainly not me.
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| | | | | [09:24] <Mdm_Maestro>
I'd rather wait in line for a pap smear than watch some movie about those grunting, sweating muscleheads
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| | | | | [09:24] <SpeedRcrX>
Yeah well Michi, love, some of us actually have this thing called taste
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| | | | | [09:25] <Mdm_Maestro>
No, no you really don't. Believe me, I've had to use strong mouthwash aft
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| | | | | [09:25] <@spiritflame>
the rest of the preceding comment has been deleted for reasons of sanity and maintaining a proper rating
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| | | | | [09:26] <SpeedRcrX>
Man it's not my fault I had the seafood special that night
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| | | | | [09:26] <SpeedRcrX>
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| | | | | [09:26] <SpeedRcrX>
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| | | | | [09:27] <Mdm_Maestro>
Who is that supposed to be?
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| | | | | [09:27] <SpeedRcrX>
That's Son Goku.
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| | | | | [09:27] <IrnChef_Jovian>
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| | | | | [09:28] <SpeedRcrX>
Yeah, that's him. Justin chatwin or something
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| | | | | [09:28] <SpeedRcrX>
We've got some manga style images from Shonen Jump or something that explain the AWESOME that will be this production
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| | | | | [09:29] <IrnChef_Jovian>
He looks like MC Hammer that one time
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| | | | | [09:29] <Mdm_Maestro>
You mean back when Mr. Hammer was culturally relevant?
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| | | | | [09:29] <SpeedRcrX>
Hey man you can't touch that outfit
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| | | | | [09:30] <Mdm_Maestro>
Nor would I want to, dear. Except perhaps to burn it.
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| | | | | [09:30] <SpeedRcrX>
Yah well there's other cool s[BLEEP]t. Check out Bulma's bike:
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| | | | | [09:30] <Mdm_Maestro>
In what way is that cool?
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| | | | | [09:31] <SpeedRcrX>
Well when she leans down I bet you can see down her shirt
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| | | | | [09:31] <IrnChef_Jovian>
The manga preview beat you to that, Haruka-san
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| | | | | [09:31] <SpeedRcrX>
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| | | | | [09:31] <Mdm_Maestro>
* looks through the images *
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| | | | | [09:32] <Mdm_Maestro>
So what is this, then?
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| | | | | [09:32] <SpeedRcrX>
No f[BLEEP]kin' clue
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| | | | | [09:32] <SpeedRcrX>
but it looks cool
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| | | | | [09:33] <IrnChef_Jovian>
No it doesn't it looks like the baby-dropper from that Pearl Jam "Do the Evolution" Video
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| | | | | [09:33] <SpeedRcrX>
Maybe a baby drops out of the hole and Piccolo eats it. For convenience.
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| | | | | [09:33] <SpeedRcrX>
Anyway then we get the dragonballs themselves
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| | | | | [09:34] <IrnChef_Jovian>
Ya, no comment.
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| | | | | [09:34] <SpeedRcrX>
They even updated the dragon Radar!
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| | | | | [09:34] <IrnChef_Jovian>
It looks... like like...
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| | | | | [09:35] <Mdm_Maestro>
Like an oversized rectal thermometer?
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| | | | | [09:35] <IrnChef_Jovian>
... Where did THAT come from!?
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| | | | | [09:35] <Mdm_Maestro>
Stephen Chow's behind, dear. Stephen Chow's behind.
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| | | | | [09:36] <IrnChef_Jovian>
Ya. I so really want to see this movie. 9_9
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| | | | | [09:36] <SpeedRcrX>
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| | | | | [09:36] <IrnChef_Jovian>
OMG Haruka-san, sarcasm?
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| | | | | [09:37] <Mdm_Maestro>
I use it so much on her she fails to recognize it, dear.
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| | | | | [09:37] <SpeedRcrX>
Anyway we have cool behind the scenes shots!
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| | | | | [09:37] <Mdm_Maestro>
He looks like the most milquetoast pantywaist in existence.
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| | | | | [09:38] <IrnChef_Jovian>
That is not Goku
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| | | | | [09:39] <IrnChef_Jovian>
I wonder what Bulma looks like
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| | | | | [09:39] <SpeedRcrX>
Wonder no more!
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| | | | | [09:39] <IrnChef_Jovian>
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| | | | | [09:39] <Mdm_Maestro>
Some sort of disease appears to be making her hair turn blue prematurely
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| | | | | [09:39] <Mdm_Maestro>
Perhaps it is a fungus.
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| | | | | [09:40] <SpeedRcrX>
Man, I think it was the best compromise they could do
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| | | | | [09:40] <IrnChef_Jovian>
What you never heard of kids dyeing their hair blue?
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| | | | | [09:40] <IrnChef_Jovian>
Or adults?
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| | | | | [09:40] <Mdm_Maestro>
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| | | | | [09:40] <IrnChef_Jovian>
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| | | | | [09:41] <SpeedRcrX>
Man she is hot and I totally think Goku agrees with me
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| | | | | [09:41] <IrnChef_Jovian>
(he just keeps looking worse and and worse)
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| | | | | [09:41] <Mdm_Maestro>
He certainly is gripping his pole tightly.
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| | | | | [09:42] <Mdm_Maestro>
Unfortunately for him, this will be the result in the morning:
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| | | | | [09:42] <IrnChef_Jovian>
OMG WHAT is that
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| | | | | [09:42] <IrnChef_Jovian>
I mean really
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| | | | | [09:42] <SpeedRcrX>
I think one of Piccolo's henchmen
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| | | | | [09:43] <SpeedRcrX>
Hey this movie can't be bad, it has CHOW YUN FAT in it.
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| | | | | [09:43] <IrnChef_Jovian>
Oh yeah?
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| | | | | [09:43] <SpeedRcrX>
As Kamesennin!
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| | | | | [09:43] <konakona>
I've seen the previews for this
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| | | | | [09:44] <konakona>
And This is what I think
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| | | | | [09:44] <SpeedRcrX>
Man Konakona or whoever you are stop ruining my Otaku buzz
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| | | | | [09:44] <konakona>
My otaku buzz was ruined first
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| | | | | [09:45] <SpeedRcrX>
Dont' let the HATERADE in this room stop you!
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| | | | | [09:45] <SpeedRcrX>
I read an article about the movie by James Marsters who plays Piccolo and he KNOWS the score:
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SpeedRcrX pasted:
 | I let my son watch Dragonball, DBZ and DBGT since he was eight years old. At first, I thought it was too violent, but I realized this is the best show for training to become a true man. True men need not to flaunt themselves. They're calm, gentle and modest but when it comes to the crunch they don't hesitate to kill the enemy, and I think that's what Goku is.
Goku is a real man. I know my son received such a message and applied it to his own life. My son doesn’t use violence to others, but he isn’t afraid of his own anger. I think it’s an important thing. |  |
| | | | | [09:48] <IrnChef_Jovian>
So.. his son waits until his patience runs out and then kills enemies?
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| | | | | [09:48] <SpeedRcrX>
Oh like you haven't killed enemies in the past Mako
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| | | | | [09:48] <IrnChef_Jovian>
This movie looks like it will be my enemy
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 | |  | Fri Aug 01 09:48 2008 - Logging Stopped (suburbansenshi-chat) Thanks to Mike Dembeck for the pointers to these images! |
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Suburban Senshi: I reject your reality and substitute my own!