[01:02] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
id radar werk mai azz of den gew lav wit dem agan
[01:02] <FireFly_9>
[01:03] <FireFly_9>
I used to volunteer at the Tokyo Library.
[01:03] <FireFly_9>
When I was smaller, I wanted to be a Nurse, to heal people.
[01:03] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
dew u stall went dat???
[01:03] <FireFly_9>
I don't know.
[01:04] <FireFly_9>
It stems from the fact that when I was... frailer than I am now, I truly did not want anyone else to go through that overwhelming misery.
[01:04] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
i ramamabar dat
[01:04] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
dose tymez sacked
[01:05] <FireFly_9>
But, just like Rei-san... I've sat down for a long time...
[01:05] <FireFly_9>
Unlike her, I didn't hide in school. I had control of my destiny.
[01:05] <FireFly_9>
I still do.
[01:05] <FireFly_9>
I just chose to relax, to enjoy the easy life, reading, pondering, staying here.
[01:06] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
U ned 2 gat ot moar
[01:07] <FireFly_9>
[01:07] <FireFly_9>
I look at Haruka-poppa. She's content to leach off Michiru-momma, and trades on her natural talents when she feels the urge to go out into the world.
[01:07] <FireFly_9>
I am not a musician or a racer.
[01:08] <FireFly_9>
I've never worked in my life. Not really.
[01:08] <FireFly_9>
I don't have the experience of struggling to find a job. Of sweating and working myself to the bone to make ends meet.
[01:09] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
ror iasn't dat god??
[01:09] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
Iv u dewnt hav 2 werk, stey hom!!
[01:09] <FireFly_9>
[01:09] <FireFly_9>* waves her hands around weakly *
[01:10] <FireFly_9>
I want to contribute to the world. I don't want to rely on others for my daily bread.
[01:10] <FireFly_9>
I mean, Papa is here... but... even with his abilities (and especially considering the things he meddles with) he might not be here forever.
[01:11] <FireFly_9>
And I can't just impose on Haruka-poppa and Michiru-momma.
[01:11] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
[01:11] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
i'd kall 2 b in ur plase
[01:12] <FireFly_9>
Chibiusa-chan... look at the world.
[01:12] <FireFly_9>
Peak Oil is almost here. No one can deny it now. Crops are being diverted out of people's mouths to fuel machines. Starvation will become more of an issue.
[01:12] <FireFly_9>The center cannot hold...
[01:13] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
u tank tit wall be dat bad??/
[01:13] <FireFly_9>
[01:13] <FireFly_9>
There will probably be a correction in a few decades, when alternative energy finally enters the mainstream, but...
[01:14] <FireFly_9>
Our comfortable lifestyles are going to be taxed to their limits.
[01:14] <FireFly_9>
I don't know how long we'll be able to just sit here like this and indulge ourselves.
[01:14] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
fak, u alweys mak mi worri u kno dat
[01:15] <FireFly_9>
Heh, sorry
[01:15] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
[01:15] <FireFly_9>
But as I sit here watching what is possibly the beginning of a slide into hard times for the World...
[01:15] <FireFly_9>
I realize that as a person I'm not ready.
[01:16] <FireFly_9>
I have no "skills" per se that would let me be of use to someone else in an employment capacity.
[01:16] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
u hava dregree?
[01:17] <FireFly_9>
I got through high school at Mugen.
[01:17] <FireFly_9>
I didn't go further.
[01:17] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
ror dumass ur popa rans da skool
[01:17] <FireFly_9>
Mugen at the higher levels is for people smarter than me
[01:18] <FireFly_9>
I was only in it before because Poppa wanted to keep an eye on me.
[01:18] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
Ur nat stopid tho
[01:18] <FireFly_9>
No, but remember, Mugen was established for the top 1% of the nation. I'm merely above average.
[01:19] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
Gong bak 2 skool??
[01:20] <FireFly_9>
I'm 27...
[01:20] <FireFly_9>
I know it's not odd to go back at that age... but I would like to just enter the workforce for a while.
[01:20] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
kan u tho
[01:20] <FireFly_9>
I don't know.
[01:20] <FireFly_9>
I just know I don't want to end up like this family:
[01:21] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
O_o hloy FAK men ur gona give mi nitemarezzz
[01:21] <FireFly_9>
[01:22] <FireFly_9>
I don't know, Chibiusa-chan, if I were you, I might choose to run back to the future.
[01:22] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
[01:22] <FireFly_9>
Heh, don't mind me, I'm just overanalyzing.
FireFly_9 is away
[01:23] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.>
i wori abut u baka
Fri May 30 01:23 2008 - Logging Stopped (suburbansenshi-chat)
Suburban Senshi: You'll know it like the back of your head.