#1358: “This is what they think of you”
| | | Wed May 28 21:55 2008 - Logging Started (suburbansenshi-chat) |
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| | | | | [21:55] <@SpeedRcrX>
So yeah I'm reading Michiru's blog and I see this quote
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SpeedRcrX pasted:
| Worst of all from this point of view are those more uncivilized forms of eating, like licking an ice cream cone --a catlike activity that has been made acceptable in informal America but that still offends those who know eating in public is offensive.
I fear I may by this remark lose the sympathy of many reader, people who will condescendingly regard as quaint or even priggish the view that eating in the street is for dogs. Modern America's rising tide of informality has already washed out many long-standing traditions -- their reasons long before forgotten -- that served well to regulate the boundary between public and private; and in many quarters complete shamelessness is treated as proof of genuine liberation from the allegedly arbitrary constraints of manners. To cite one small example: yawning with uncovered mouth. Not just the uneducated rustic but children of the cultural elite are now regularly seen yawning openly in public (not so much brazenly or forgetfully as indifferently and "naturally"), unaware that it is an embarrassment to human self-command to be caught in the grip of involuntary bodily movements (like sneezing, belching, and hiccuping and even the involuntary bodily display of embarrassment itself, blushing). But eating on the street -- even when undertaken, say, because one is between appointments and has no other time to eat -- displays in fact precisely such lack of self-control: It beckons enslavement to the belly. Hunger must be sated now; it cannot wait. Though the walking street eater still moves in the direction of his vision, he shows himself as a being led by his appetites. Lacking utensils for cutting and lifting to mouth, he will often be seen using his teeth for tearing off chewable portions, just like any animal. Eating on the run does not even allow the human way of enjoying one's food, for it is more like simple fueling; it is hard to savor or even to know what one is eating when the main point is to hurriedly fill the belly, now running on empty. This doglike feeding, if one must engage in it, ought to be kept from public view, where, even if WE feel no shame, others are compelled to witness our shameful behavior. | |
| | | | | [21:56] <@SpeedRcrX>
From Leon Kass, former chair of the President Bush's Council on Bioethics, on modern America.
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| | | | | [21:56] <@SpeedRcrX>
And I'm like... WHAT THE F[BLEEP]K.
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| | | | | [21:57] <@SpeedRcrX>
Not just the uneducated rustic but children of the cultural elite are now regularly seen yawning openly in public
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| | | | | [21:57] <@SpeedRcrX>
Are there really f[BLEEP]king A[BLEEP]LES like this still around?
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| | | | | [21:57] <// J_Daito //>
You're married to one
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| | | | | [21:57] <@SpeedRcrX>
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| | | | | [21:57] <@SpeedRcrX>
She's not THAT BAD.
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| | | | | [21:58] <// J_Daito //>
No, no, you're right. It's just that every time she puts in an ingredients list on Supercook.com the site just spits out "You can make poison."
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SpeedRcrX pasted:
| it is an embarrassment to human self-command to be caught in the grip of involuntary bodily movements (like sneezing, belching, and hiccuping and even the involuntary bodily display of embarrassment itself, blushing). | |
| | | | | [21:59] <@SpeedRcrX>
What. the S[BLEEP]T man.
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| | | | | [22:00] <// J_Daito //>
The answer is simple. We have found the one human with the biggest stick up his ass ever.
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| | | | | [22:00] <@SpeedRcrX>
I just have a hard time believing this s[BLEEP]t. That there are people like this, in positions of power.
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| | | | | [22:01] <// J_Daito //>
You know, the thing is that outside of this house, when your perfection field is on, you're one of those cultural elites.
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| | | | | [22:01] <@SpeedRcrX>
Oh, no. No, no no.
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| | | | | [22:01] <@SpeedRcrX>
I might be all dignified and Bishounen and romantic and tough and s[BLEEP]t
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| | | | | [22:02] <@SpeedRcrX>
But I would never break society down into the "cultured elite" and the "uneducated rustic".
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| | | | | [22:02] <@SpeedRcrX>
That is just f[BLEEP]king classist bulls[BLEEP]t.
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| | | | | [22:03] <@SpeedRcrX>
I find this motherf[BLEEP]ker offensive as all hell.
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| | | | | [22:03] <// J_Daito //>
"eating in the street is for dogs"
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| | | | | [22:03] <// J_Daito //>
I guess we're all dogs.
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| | | | | [22:04] <IrnChef_Jovian>
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| | | | | [22:04] <IrnChef_Jovian>
It's one thing to say "eat at your desk"
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| | | | | [22:04] <IrnChef_Jovian>
but when you don't have enough of a damn Lunch break to even GET your food, what the heck are ya SUPPOSED to do!?
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| | | | | [22:04] <// J_Daito //>
Starve, obviously.
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| | | | | [22:06] <// J_Daito //>
Be a prim little girl and wither away, we can't do to see you masticating in public.
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SpeedRcrX pasted:
| he will often be seen using his teeth for tearing off chewable portions, just like any animal. | |
| | | | | [22:08] <@SpeedRcrX>
So how does he eat Pizza.
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| | | | | [22:08] <@SpeedRcrX>
Or a hot dog.
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| | | | | [22:08] <// J_Daito //>
LOL so common
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| | | | | [22:13] <// J_Daito //>
He obviously has some domestic servant pre-cut it into small portions.
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| | | | | [22:14] <@Sakura Xadium Aino>
Or Maybe like a Ferengi he has the female chew his food for him
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| | | | | [22:17] <@Sakura Xadium Aino>
(and on a total derail we need this for PGSM)
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| | | | | [22:19] <@SpeedRcrX>
50 bucks for the first one to put Sugimoto in Pr0n clothe... oh wait.
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| | | Wed May 28 22:19 2008 - Logging Stopped (suburbansenshi-chat) |
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