[02:34] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
Heh for a much more somber reason why there's good reason to be worried about Scientology, check out the unfunny Truth about Scientology .
[02:36] <Mizunomics01>
I shall be watching the course of this "internet war" very closely. It will be interesting to see (assuming that the 4ch base doesn't shift their focus away) if a group of worldwide dissafected individuals operating via the internet can bring down a large, well-connected "bricks and mortar" organization.
[02:36] <Mizunomics01>* adjusts her glasses *
[02:36] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
So Mizuno Ami, the bastion of intellectualism, is rootong for the /b/tards?
[02:36] <Mizunomics01>
... yes.
[02:37] <Mizunomics01>
May they find victory.
[02:37] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane>
Well speaking of victory, here's the next Budokai match from '07:
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