Thu Jan 17 16:02 2008 - Logging Started (suburbansenshi-chat)
[16:02] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
[16:03] <@SpeedRcrX>
Am I not the ultimate badass?
[16:03] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
Hai, hai~
[16:03] <FireFly_9>
What are you so pleased about, Haruka-poppa?
[16:04] <@SpeedRcrX>
Well since ginga TV's writers are still on strike I had the genius idea to fill space by having them rebroadcast the end of the 2007 budokai
[16:04] <FireFly_9>
Oh that was finished, was it :/
[16:04] <@SpeedRcrX>
Yes, yes it was~
[16:05] <[gTV]C'est_la_V>
Kekeke... so first off we're going to show a flashback to a bonus match from the 2006 Tournament to whip appetites!
[16:05] <FireFly_9>
[16:05] <@SpeedRcrX>
Yes I am, I'm so badass
[16:05] <FireFly_9>
.. Oh god.
Thu Jan 17 16:08 2008 - Logging Stopped (suburbansenshi-chat)