[09:33] *** Thu Apr 26 2007 - LOGGING START ***
[09:33] *** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
[09:33] *** Topic is - This one's for you, Potamos -
[09:33] *** Set by on Thu Apr 26 09:33 2007
[09:33] <
// J_Daito //> What the hell kind of name is "Beyonce" anyway.
[09:34] <
// J_Daito //> I never understood that.
[09:34] <
// J_Daito //> At least Paris Hilton makes sense because that was probbaly where she was concieved.
[09:34] <
// J_Daito //> But this is as if someone said "and what will the name of thsi child be?" and then the parent sneezed mid-word.
[09:35] <
FireFly_9> This coming from someone named after a MINERAL.
[09:36] <
// J_Daito //> Says she named after an insect.
[09:36] <
FireFly_9> D:
[09:37] <
@Ðøc†ør · X> So. I lost my bet to Potamos. The Red Sox beat the Yankees.
[09:38] <
@Ðøc†ør · X> Thus I present her with this:
[09:39] <
// J_Daito //> LOL Sports.
[09:39] *** Disconnected
[09:39] *** Thu Apr 26 2007 - LOGGING END ***