[10:36] *** Thu Apr 19 2007 - LOGGING START ***
[10:36] *** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
[10:36] *** Topic is - HELL YES -
[10:36] *** Set by Luna-P on Thu Apr 19 00:36 2007
[10:37] <@SpeedRcrX> Hot fuzz is better than Versus.
[10:38] <// J_Daito //> That's a bold statement
[10:38] <@SpeedRcrX> Dude.
[10:39] <@SpeedRcrX> This movie fools you.
[10:39] <@SpeedRcrX> It starts out slow, like any other sitcom.
[10:40] <@SpeedRcrX> then it devolves into sheer.Unadulterated.Badass. [10:40] <@SpeedRcrX> It even f[BLEEP]king references KAIJU
[10:40] <// J_Daito //> .
[10:41] <@SpeedRcrX> THAT. is how bad this s[BLEEP]t is.
[10:42] <@SpeedRcrX> If you have EVER loved cop shows, or gun fu, this is the S[BLEEP]T for you
[10:44] <@SpeedRcrX>
[10:45] <// J_Daito //> :O
[10:45] *** Disconnected [10:45] *** Thu Apr 19 2007 - LOGGING END ***