[07:45] *** Thu Jan 25 2007 - LOGGING START ***
[07:45] *** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
[07:45] * [gTV]C'est_la_V grabs X-kun by the throat and starts shaking
[07:46] <
[07:46] <
[07:46] * @Dr. X sort of flops around weakly and mimes "I'm still sick, dammit"
[07:47] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> Moh~
[07:47] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> X-kun is sick and we lost Haruka-san to the World of Warcraft
[07:48] <
// J_Daito //> We only "lost her" because she's trying to run from her wedding
[07:49] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> Of all the sins in the World the Goddess of Love can't permit, the worst is running out of a wedding!!
[07:49] <
// J_Daito //> Oh she won't make it.
[07:50] * // J_Daito // cracks his knuckles. "It will be my pleasure to make sure she gets well and truly hitched"
[07:50] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> For once, Jedite, we are allies!!
[07:50] <
// J_Daito //> A HA HA HA HA
[07:50] <
@SpeedRcrX> f
[BLEEP]k you midnight zero
[07:50] <
@SpeedRcrX> f
[BLEEP]k you
[07:51] * @SpeedRcrX is a level 58 warrior mage equipped with the Sword of 500 lies
[07:51] * // J_Daito // shoves the pasty-faced Ten'ou down with the push of one finger
[07:52] * @SpeedRcrX feels all her bones crack
[07:52] <
// J_Daito //> Metallia you've gotten so weak.
[07:52] *** @SpeedRcrX [THaruka@FXL.blaze.co.jp] has left #suburbansenshi ( i must level)
[07:53] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> Isn't her birthday in two days
[07:54] <
// J_Daito //> heh
[07:54] <
// J_Daito //> !rei.bot what is 2007 - 1975
<@spiritflame> 2,007 - 1,975 = 32
[07:55] <
// J_Daito //> She'll be 32
[07:55] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> Kami-sama we're all getting older
[07:55] * // J_Daito // is away: meh one year's as good as another
[07:56] * [gTV]C'est_la_V will be 29 this year
[07:56] *** [gTV]C'est_la_V [GldnGoddess@upperdeck.ginga.tv] has left #suburbansenshi ('I hope Minako's takin a cold one.... to soak up all that hotness')
[07:56] * @Dr. X drops to the ground, finally not being strangled anymore
[07:56] *** Disconnected
[07:56] *** Thu Jan 25 2007 - LOGGING END ***