[08:00] *** Fri Jan 12 2007 - LOGGING START ***
[08:00] *** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
[08:00] *** Topic is - He's just big boned! -
[08:00] *** Set by [gTV]Karasuma_Akane on Fri Jan 12 08:00 2007
[08:00] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> OMG you know how Artemis has been gone lately??
[08:00] <
Mizunomics01> I hadn't noticed.
[08:01] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> Well it's true he's been gone, and now I know where!!
[08:01] <
IrnChef_Jovian> Where, Minako-chan?
[08:01] <
flame_SNIPER> ...
[08:01] <
flame_SNIPER> kami-sama
[08:01] <
IrnChef_Jovian> D:
[08:02] <
Mizunomics01> His body mass index appears to have altered significantly.
[08:03] <
Crwn_FruT_Gamer> just more of him to love, ladies
[08:03] *** Crwn_FruT_Gamer [monotavern.crown.co.jp] has left #suburbansenshi (Mo loves Kame!)
[08:04] <
[gTV]C'est_la_V> You know I think it was better when he was stalking *me* at least he was in the same species ><
[08:04] *** Disconnected
[08:04] *** Fri Jan 12 2007 - LOGGING END - thanks to Gersende for his contributions to the Haruka / Michiu wedding photo gallery! ***