#1056: “Foley Loaded”

[11:04] *** Wed Oct 04 2006 - LOGGING START ***
[11:04] *** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
[11:04] *** Topic is - Yeah he's a verb now -
[11:04] *** Set by on Wed Oct 04 11:04 2006

[11:05] <@spiritflame> mamoru-san foleyed chibiusa-chan
[11:05] <Chiba_M> I didn't Foley her ><
[11:05] <[gTV]Karasuma_Akane> Elios wants to Foley everyone
[11:06] <Reverend_H> I Foleyed all dose damn Furinkan High girls
[11:07] <FireFly_9> Back when papa was still around he probably Foleyed the Witches' 5
[11:07] <@SpeedRcrX> I miss when Jed would try to Foley Rei
[11:08] <flame_SNIPER> I didn't miss him trying to Foley me ><
[11:08] <IrnChef_Jovian> There are people out there wqho want to Foley Ami-chan
[11:09] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> That's so sick!!
[11:09] <IrnChef_Jovian> Isn't it tho
[11:09] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> fak u ppl dere nating rong with bang folayed
[11:10] <=^catablanca^=> this is one Foleyed conversation
[11:11] * // KuNZiT3 // keeps checking his E-Mail for messages from Congressmen
[11:11] *** Disconnected
[11:11] *** Wed Oct 04 2006 - LOGGING END ***