/w/ - Wallpaper

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Minako: Focus on Pushing the Envelope Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 20

I did this picture imagining what an article about Aino Minako might look like in a magazine covering her J-Pop Idol career. The Japanese lyrics come from the cover of a Three Lights CD, and I even tried to interject an authentic-sounding Minako malaprop.

Son Goku: Down with Inertia Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 19

I made this after finally seeing all the episodes of the original Dragonball, which I must say is much funnier than DBZ (which rules in its own right). The picture of Goku was done by Akira Toriyama, but it was done in the angular style which makes it more reminiscent of Dragonball GT's Goku. (Goku has no tail here because I edited it out... didn't want to take chances with the computer seeing a full moon ;) )

Friends Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 18

This is a special picture I made filled with my favorite characters from a variety of anime. I had it printed with a commercial printer and laminated it. The finished 21.25" x 17" print proudly hangs on my wall. Can you name all the characters?

Sailormoon: AYB Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 17

What happen? All our base are belong to Sailormoon!

Welcome to my Hood Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 16

Fred Rogers with a Gun, sacrilege, yeah, yeah, I know. I'm innocent. This was a response to a law school assignment in which we had to assess whether or not those guys who originally came up with the "Fred Rogers in the hood" concept could legally get away with it as parody. All I remember from that assignment was reading the court case concerning Sony making Vanna White into a robot... I kid you not. Apologies for the crappy pic of Fred Rogers, but it was the only one I could find. I swear, do a search for a picture of this guy on the net... you will find at *most* three pics. It's uncanny.

Sephiroth: I am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 15

This was done by request for a friend, wanting a wallpaper that reflected Sephiroth's solar system smashing summon (say that five times fast) in one of the Final Fantasy games. So you've got some equations, an astrological wheel, Separoth (duh), and other good stuff lurking in there.

Vegita (Dark Prince) Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 14

This is a re-do of the below picture for a pure dark look. Some people may like it.

Vegita (Here Comes Trouble!) Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 13

Vegita. What can be said about the prince of the Saiyans. Everything he does exudes cool. Hurt him, kill him, it just makes him stronger. Oh yeah. This picture was done to try and mimic the color-changing properties of a foil trading card, since on laptops, as you know, colors shift with viewing angle. It sort of works, but gets tiresome after hours of head on viewing.

Techno Saiyajin Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 12

All hail the mighty Son Goku. I tried my hand at putting my name in the corner in Katakana.

Nabiki Dr. Xadium [Reply]

No. 11

Tendo Nabiki. Money. 'nuff Said.

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